70 times her house is refused because she has a dog, LNDC steps up: “Contact us, we want to help her”

Francesca Rizzi

“Is it possible that no one will accept an animal into their home? My furry friend and I are desperately looking for a room, after 2 months of searching and at least 70 negative reviews just because of the presence of a dog.” This is a blast Francesca Rizzia student from Bergamo is looking for a house in Siena along with his animal companion, a 6-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog named Gobut things are not going right.

After many accepted no, many people showed solidarity with her. There are also activists among them LNDC Animal Protection. The association that deals with the protection of animals contacted her with an offer of help, but has not yet received a response. That’s why they decided launch a challenge addressed to Rizzi from the Kodami site: «We are very sorry for what is happening to you and we would like to help you – they explain – We want to let you know that we are ready to help and support you in his research. You can write to us by email communication@lndcanimalprotection.org».

For a student, this could be the first step to solving a problem that presents itself cyclically. Browsing through her social profiles, it’s easy to see that finding accommodation has been more difficult for her than any other student away from home for some time. Finding an apartment or room in the Scotte area, where the University of Siena Medical Center is located, seems like an impossible mission despite numerous attempts.

Although the young woman offered numerous assurance at the moment it seems that his appeal to potential landlords fell on deaf ears: «I have numerous experiences of living together, with and without a dog. If you have a room to offer me, but you have doubts about the presence of a dog, write to me! Let’s talk and I’ll calm you down.”

Not only the presence of the dog itself is scary, but also its size. The Bernese Mountain Dog is actually a large dog that can often scare those who don’t know them. Males reach a height of 64 to 70 centimeters and weigh between 50-60 kilograms. Individuals of this breed have long been used by people to protect their herds and property, and for this reason they have also developed a great resistance to extreme climatic conditions and hard work alongside humans.

They create a an unbreakable bond with people in the family who become a safe base of fundamental importance for him. Francesca, aware of this, decided not to give up her Great Dane even when she moved to another university: “He’s super calm – she explains – he’s always lived in an apartment and most of the time “lays the carpet” “Time, he just needs a lot of cuddling.”

However, both could be decided by the owners of the house who do not accept your dog. An injustice that is, however, legal in Italy. A lease is an act between private individuals and for this reason the owners can set some conditionsand this also with regard to the presence of dogs in the house, as the lawyer expert in animal law explains Salvatore Cappai: «The landlord can prohibit the keeping of animals on his property. To date, there is no law to the contrary.”

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