Aglaonema: everything you need to know to grow a dark plant

Learn how to grow Aglaonema, a dark plant ideal for low-light indoor spaces. Find tips on watering, display and care that make this charming plant the perfect choice for low-light environments

L’Aglaonema it is a houseplant that is abundant in apartments around the world and is valued for its ease of cultivation and ability to thrive even in limited light conditions. Often called a “vampire plant” or a plant of darkness, this potted plant is robust and easily adapts to typical home conditions. The natural environment of aglaonema is found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia, characterized by a warm and humid climate.

Aglaonema is native to the forest understory and has evolved to thrive in filtered light and high humidity environments. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking for a hardy plant that does well in a low-light home. We recommend Aglaone to anyone who wants a reliable, surprise-free plant in their houseplant collection.

Characteristics and origin of Aglaonema

Aglaonema is characterized by slow growth and is a perennial herb with numerous shoots that develop from the rhizome. Its small stem supports bright green leaves attached to thin petioles. This plant originates from Southeast Asia and is widely distributed and appreciated both for its beauty and ease of cultivation. There are many species and varieties on the market, each with unique characteristics that make it a distinctive feature in gardens and interiors.

The name of the genus Aglaonema is rooted in the Greek words ‘aglao’, meaning ‘to shine’, and ‘nema’, meaning ‘thread’, emphasizing the luster of the stem fibers. This type of plant not only adds a note of splendor but also cleans the air of the house by being able to absorb some of the pollutants present in the home environment or in offices, thereby helping to improve the quality of the surrounding air.


There are many varieties of Aglaonema, each with unique characteristics. Some of the more common varieties include:

  1. Aglaonema commutatum (Silver Queen): with green and silver leaves are among the most popular varieties.
  2. Aglaonema modestum (Chinese conifer): It has dark green leaves and can tolerate low light conditions.
  3. Aglaonema pictum tricolor (Tricolor): characterized by leaves with variegations of green, pink and white.
  4. Aglaonema crispum (Philippine Evergreen): has narrower and more pointed leaves than other varieties.
  5. Aglaonema ‘Red Siam’: It stands out for its dark green leaves with red veins.
  6. Aglaonema ‘Emerald Beauty’: It has large, bright green leaves.
  7. Aglaonema ‘Silver Bay’: with silver and dark green leaves, it is prized for its hardiness.
  8. Aglaonema ‘Harlequin’: characterized leaves with variegations of green, white and pink.
  9. Aglaonema ‘White Calcite’: It has light green leaves with white veins.
  10. Aglaonema ‘Golden Fluorite’: known for its dark green leaves and golden veins.

How to grow Aglaonema

Aglaonema thrives in moderate light conditions, preferring higher levels when it is variegated (less chlorophyll). To optimize variegation, it is advisable to place it in a well-lit place, but in the summer months it is necessary to provide indirect light to avoid burning the leaves. The ideal location would be a few meters from a well-lit window, which would allow the plant to enjoy intense but diffused light. Some varieties of Aglaonema can also adapt to areas of partial shade or fluorescent lighting. In general, the amount of light needed depends on the presence of variegation, with less variegated plants requiring less lighting.


What temperature is most suitable for Aglaonema

Ideal for Aglaonema are temperatures of 16°C at night and 18°C ​​during the day, with a minimum limit of 15°C. These plants also thrive in partially shaded areas, although they benefit from plenty of light. Ensuring adequate air exchange without exposing the plant to excessive drafts is essential for its overall well-being.

How to water Aglaonema

Aglaonema requires regular watering, especially in spring and summer. The soil should remain moist without being waterlogged, and it is advisable to wait for the soil to dry out on the surface between waterings. To ensure a moist environment around the plant, you can place a saucer with gravel on the bottom and add water as needed.

When to transplant Aglaonema

Due to the slow growth of Aglaonema, repotting every 2-3 years is recommended, preferably in early spring when temperatures stabilize between 18-21°C. The ideal potting mix consists of peat and leaf mold.

How to Prune Aglaonema

When it comes to pruning, it is recommended to dispose of dead leaves by cutting them with previously disinfected scissors.

When does it bloom?

Blooms in summer It blooms and produces white flowers similar to white calla flowers.

How to propagate Aglaonema

Propagation of Aglaonema can occur through apical cuttings taken from defoliated stems using stem sections with at least three nodes, which can be placed vertically or laid down and partially covered with soil. New vegetation will grow from selected nodes.

The ideal substrate for propagation is very sandy/porous and draining, kept constantly moist without overwatering. Some varieties with a more pronounced rhizome apparatus, e.g. the species A. costatum, can also be propagated by dividing the rhizomes.

If the plant bears fruit, seeds can also be used for propagation. Germination takes approximately 3 months using the same substrate at a temperature of 18-20°C.


Diseases and parasites

Aglaonema is generally not susceptible to disease, and its most common problems often result from errors in cultural practice. For example, if the leaves appear droopy, this may indicate a problem with watering, which may be excessive or insufficient.

If the leaves are weak, it may be caused by too low exposure temperature and in this case it is advisable to move the plant to a warmer place. Conversely, if the leaves appear burnt and curled, the plant may have been exposed to excessive direct sunlight.

In the event of an attack by mites, highlighted leaves that turn yellow and have yellow and brown spots, it is advisable to create an unfavorable environment for mites by increasing the humidity around the plant by spraying the leaves.

Is Aglaonema toxic?

Those who have dogs, cats or even horses should be especially careful when considering taking Aglaonema. This plant is actually toxic to these animals, causing mouth irritation, pain, swelling of the mouth, tongue and lips, excessive salivation, vomiting (except for horses) and difficulty swallowing.

Properties of Aglaonema


Aglaonema is not only a decorative element, but also a valuable ally for the health of the home environment. Its ability to clean indoor air is remarkable, helping to remove toxic substances such as benzene, formaldehyde and triclosan commonly found in cleaning products and cosmetics. Studies suggest that this plant can also promote concentration and productivity, reduce stress and anxiety.

In addition, Aglaonema acts as an effective air humidifier, which maintains an optimal level of humidity in the air. This is especially beneficial in the winter months, when the air tends to be drier, which helps create a healthier and more comfortable indoor environment.

What do Aglaonema flowers mean?

Aglaonema flowers carry deep spiritual meaning, woven into their vibrant colors and unique shape. These flowers are symbols of stability, balance and harmony, representing the balance between inner strength and outer beauty, as well as between the spiritual and physical aspects of life. They also embody the concepts of peace, growth and tranquility, often associated with positive change, new beginnings and personal development.

In addition, Aglaonema flowers are considered medicinal. They are believed to promote physical and emotional healing, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. In traditional medicine, they are used to treat various ailments, including respiratory and digestive ailments. These flowers are also known for their calming effect on the mind and body, making them a popular choice in meditation and relaxation practices.

A fascinating legend associated with Aglaonema flowers claims that they bring happiness and prosperity to the family. In several cultures, it is believed that placing an Aglaonema plant in your home or workplace can repel negative energy and attract positive vibrations instead. This belief has helped make Aglaonema plants very popular as decorative elements in homes and offices, adding a touch of happiness to those around them.

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