Anita Leombruni, champion of the Martian bear defense in Abruzzo, died at the age of 53

Source: Facebook page of the “On the bear side” committee.

Mourning in the animal rights world: she died at the age of 53 Anita Leombrunianimal rights activist and chairman of the committee “On the side of the bear” from Pettorano sul Gizio in Abruzzo, created to contribute to the conservation and protection of the Martian brown bear and protect it from the risk of extinction.

Leombruni’s death was announced by a post published on the committee’s Facebook page: «Our dear and beloved Anita Leombruni, president of the Dalla parte dell’Orso, is no longer with us – is the message -. Last night her young life stopped and she was taken from all of us, her loved ones. Words cannot be found to talk about her now, our pain is too strong, unbearable.’

Words from which emerges the suffering of those who have lost a special person, but also one historical warrior for animal rights: «Anita was a wonderful, cheerful person – the post continues – open to relationships with others, with friends, full of passion for the protection of the environment, wild nature, animals in general. His love for horses, his Marang whom he saved from slaughter, his dogs.”

Leombruni fought numerous battles for the defense of martian bears in Abruzzostill too often a victim of male cruelty, as it turns out the tragic case of Amarena, shot dead by a man in San Benedetto dei Marsi. She had two puppies.

“We loved Anita and how could we not love her, given her courage, her loyalty, the moral purity of her thoughts and actions – continue the volunteers -. Before his disarming smile. Our thoughts go out to the pain of his loving family members and his friends. We will miss you Anita. May the earth be easy for you. We want to imagine you riding through the heavenly meadows with your horses.”

The world of animal rights thus loses an important activist at a difficult historical moment for wildlife. The European Commission actually wants it reduce the protection status of wolves, in the Berne Convention, from “strictly protected” species (Annex II) to “protected” species (Annex III). While the president of the autonomous province of Trento Maurizio Fugatti presented a bill to cull 8 bears a year.

More and more people are needed who fight to defend animals like Anita.

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