Blue Monday: the “saddest day” of the year. Not so, but how can our animals help us?

Today is the famous Blue Monday, or the third Monday in January, which, according to some, should be the saddest day of all three hundred and sixty-five of the calendar year. This specific occasion she became famous in 2005 after public statements Sky TravelBritish travel agency who would “calculate” this date thanks to the equation. The name instead comes from a song by New Order featured on the album Pumped Full of Drugs from 1986 (which you may remember as soundtrack some advertisements).

But let’s analyze in more detail Sky Travel’s rationale. This is how the date was obtained:

W+(Dd) x T^Q/(M x Na)

Complex formula (let’s face it, a little bizarre), which takes into account several truly “depressing” parameters such as W= time, D= debt, d= monthly salary, T= time since Christmas, Q= the time that has passed since the New Year’s resolutions were not fulfilled, M= low level of motivation e No= feeling the need to act.

In short, while some have taken numbers and variables really seriously, on closer inspection, Blue Monday appears to be just one provocation the social and scientific world has actually labeled this theory as lacking objective foundations.

However, it certainly cannot be said that everyone considers the post-holiday winter to be “the best time of the year”. However, we at Kodami want to offer you a different point of view. How about adding a new parameter to our sad calculations: mutual happiness and satisfaction with whom we can follow up our domestic friends?


The value of adopting a pet

It is actually and instead scientifically proven that emotional contact with a pet it really can positively influence on our mood. For example, in a 2019 study by researchers Aliya Khalid and Saadia Dildar of Government College University of Lahore, the effectinteraction with animals domestic on reducing stress and improving mood positive among people living and not living with pets.

The results were clear: through administration standardized tests on 180 people who have previously spent a period of time interacting with dogs or cats and subsequent statistical analyses interaction with animals could be verified homemade significantly reduces stress and has a positive mood boost both in those who already live next to a four-legged companion, and in groups of friends who are not pets, who come into contact with an animal for the first time.

According to scientists, the benefits are directly proportional to the time of interaction and that is, they increase as time increases. Further these effects last longer in people who share their lives with a pet. However, no significant differences were found between groups that interacted with dogs and groups that spent time with cats.


Contact with animals can bring benefits even neurodiverse people such as people with autism for their physical and mental well-being.

Spend the long winter months in the company of an animal can therefore bring specific benefits to our mental health. However, it is good to be clear: we are not helped by the mere presence of an animal, but a relationship of mutual affection which has its own demands and needsfulfillment of certain obligations to be built.

Adoption of an animal cannot be considered a systematic solution to the treatment of depression symptoms, but it must be based on a real awareness of the needs of the living being we are about to bring into our home. For those who know how to really take care of their pet while respecting its ethological characteristics, the feeling of being greeted by your dog after returning from a long day of work or your cat while resting on our lap is truly an incalculable parameter. .

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