Climate change to cause 14.5 million deaths by 2050: Davos warning

By 2050, climate change could cause Worldwide, 14.5 million dead and $12.5 trillion in losses. The dire prediction is outlined in a new report presented by the 54th World Economic Forum, the annual gathering in Davos until January 19 that brings together the elite of the global economic and financial world in Switzerland. With this message, i.e climate change so it is officially among the challenges for the future of the global economic scenario along with industrial strategies, conflicts and energy transition.

The report, entitled Quantifying the Impact of Climate Change on Human Health, was developed in collaboration with Oliver Wymantherefore, it analyzes the climate crisis from a new perspective and provides a detailed picture of the indirect impact that climate change will have not only on human healthbut also on the global economy and health”. In practice, it is repeated again that without urgent mitigation measures global warmingi.e. limiting the increase in global temperatures below 1.5 degrees, “human health is seriously threatened”.


“Europe will be hot and even more fragile in 50 years, we have to adapt”

by Matteo Marini

Floods and drought among the causes of mortality

Analysis identifies floods and droughts as the leading causes of climate-related mortality and heat waves as the main cause of economic losses. It also predicts the rise and spread of climate-sensitive diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. All of this will cost health systems an additional burden of $1.1 trillion, money spent as a result of climate-induced impacts. This is why the report highlights the urgent need for global strategies to reduce emissions and adapt health infrastructure, supporting collaborative efforts to transform health systems in response to this growing crisis.

“While there has been much debate about the impact of climate change on nature and the global economy, some of the most pressing consequences of the Earth’s rising temperature will be on human health and the global health care system,” he said. Shyam Bishen, head of the Center for Health and Healthcare and member of the Executive Committee of the World Economic Forum. “Recent progress – he stressed – will be lost if critical emission reductions and mitigation measures are not improved and decisive global action is not taken to build health systems that are climate-resilient and adaptive.”

Climate changes

The hottest year ever ends: more than one extreme weather event per day in Italy

by Fiammetto Cupellaro

Go in the right direction

with 2023 scientists consider him to behottest year ever and stands only in Europe 62 thousand victims died due to anomalous temperaturesHowever, there is still hope. Despite the clear findings, the paper stresses that “there is still time for global stakeholders to take strategic and decisive action to counter these predictions and mitigate the global health impacts of climate change”.

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