Environmental watchdogs in the fight against tumors: a project presented at the Pascale Institute in Naples

Collect data and information on potential risk factors associated with the environmental matrix responsible for the genesis of cancer in canine and human populations. This is the aim of a comparative oncoepidemiological investigation of the possible correlation between environment and tumors in dogs and humans which was presented to the National Institute for the Study and Treatment of Tumors of the Giovanni Pascale Foundation in Naples.

Study promotesNational Cancer Institute Pascale Foundation and from Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production University of Naples Federico II. The aim of the project is to investigate i major risk factors associated with the environmental matrix that is responsible for the development of cancer v canine and human populationsthereby gaining an advantage for everyone, as Kodami explains Orlando Paciello, professor of pathological anatomy at Federico II: “This is an important example of One Health: we work to develop medicine for the good of all, animals and humans, by controlling what happens in the environment in which we live. However, for this we must change the anthropocentric vision of our world.

“A very interesting trajectory – confirms CEO Pascale, Attilio Bianchi – the one who determined this research project. We expect new food for thought from the ever-improving knowledge of the mechanisms that intervene in the genesis of cancer and its early detection.”

This synergy will be the basis of the work carried out, as explained by the scientific director of the oncology center, Alfredo Budillon: «The environment seems to be increasingly involved in the development of cancer, although the connection between cancer and the environment does not enjoy exclusivity, since this disease is multifactorial and dependent on other variables. The sharing of spaces and environments between the canine and human species involves exposure to the same environmental pollutants.”

L’Comparative oncoepidemiological examination consists of online questionnaire with voluntary participation and completely anonymously aimed at everyone who lives or has lived with a dog. Both those who have dogs affected by cancer and people affected by cancer with an animal in the family will be able to participate. The survey is enforceable online by accessing a link that can be reached by scanning the QR code on brochures and information posters.

A poster where you can frame a QR code to participate in the study

The questionnaire consists of A total of 57 questions. The first are intended for dog guardians, followed by those focusing on animals. Two different species that share the same spaces.

The studies will consist of two phases: the first phase involves creation information material which will be distributed in veterinary healthcare facilities and in the waiting rooms of oncology centers where chemotherapy is administered in human medicine. Six months after the start of the questionnaire, an initial evaluation will be carried out with the aim of defining participation and possibly taking measures to support it. In the second phase, a year after the start of the questionnaire, they will come examined the collected data and defined correlation patterns according to the goals set by the researchers.

“This study represents a very important project because it is a great example of the synergy of knowledge between the veterinary and medical worlds,” adds the professor Aniello Anastasiodirector of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production of the University of Naples Federica II. – It is a true application of the concept of One Health, not in its static nature or intermingling of animal health, human health and environmental health, but in its circularity and knowledge and data sharing».

In an interview with Kodami, Paciello emphasizes the innovative value of this sharing: «The innovation is related to the fact that we will collect information about exposure to possible environmental factors both in humans with tumors and in animals that have had or have a tumor. This allows us to understand whether humans and animals have been exposed to the same oncogenic factor. Animals, again, help us define whether they exist because of the relationship we have with each other environmental risk factors for disease».

This is related to the shortest the latency period of the disease in dogs compared to humans, this means that if humans and dogs are exposed to the same negative environmental factors, the dog will be the first to develop the disease. He gives a clear example pleural mesothelioma, a tumor that affects the lungs and is caused by the dispersion of asbestos fibers into the environment. In dogs, mesothelioma appears 7 years after contact with asbestos fibers, in humans in 30 years.

“With a shorter lifespan, there is also a shorter latency period of the disease – explains Paciello – Through comparative oncology, using innovations in research for human medicine, we can have innovative therapies for our animals as well, and on the other hand, we can aspire to cure tumors that are not present in dogs today curable because we do not have the necessary tools at our disposal. It’s a mutual exchange.” Hence the slogan chosen to introduce the research to the people: “We will go together on this long journey and together we will make great progress.”

This project is being developed as part of an international network that studies the development of tumors in animals. In connection with this, she also spoke at a presentation Chiara Palmieri, Professor of Veterinary Pathology at the School of Veterinary Science (SVS) at the University of Queensland, Australia. “Preliminary results collected through pilot project questionnaires in Queensland have already provided us with interesting information – the vet assumed – We found that there is a statistically significant correlation in the increase in tumors in dogs when chemical products are used at home to clean carpets, which is very common here in Australia . This made us think in the framework of comparative oncology about the risks for children who, like dogs, spend a lot of time in contact with carpets. With the questionnaires we are promoting, the animal family community becomes an active part of the research.”

So did the study’s scientific managers Alfredo Budillon, Orlando Paciello AND Chiara Palmieri I am Kei Owada (The University of Queensland), e Evaristo of Naples (Federico II University of Naples). However, representatives of the local health authority also took part in the presentation Marina Pompameoand the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Southern Italy with Antonio Limone.

Budillon: «Permanent desk for One Health in oncology»

It was the convergence of characters and interests involved for the good of the community that led Budillon to formulate an open proposal: “The presence of so many partners gave us additional stimuli compared to those we anticipated. From this morning we have a permanent table for discussion and comparison, where we can work together on the ideas expressed this morning, the aim is to translate them into research projects – reiterates Scientific Director Pascale – Our institute offers itself as a place where this table can bring together different souls to continued the conversation about One Health in oncology.”

“When it comes to health, a 360-degree approach is essential and prevention is essential – he continues – Research is medicine. Animal health, environmental pollutant control, and cancer patient studies are many different approaches that can lead us to take important steps forward for the health of our territories. prevention is much more sustainable than facing a chronic disease like cancer. Like Pascale, we are going straight into the field to work with everyone who spoke today. We are a community rich in skills that, when united, can achieve important goals.”

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