Former Ilva, Taranto fears emergency administration: “It would be a tragedy for creditor companies”

TARANTO — Even now, when the scenario may change and the government is ready to take control of the former Ilva, skepticism and resignation prevail at the gates of the factory. It is feared that it is too late, or worse, that the unavailability of any hypothetical recapitalization by ArcelorMittal could open the door to emergency administration. That would be the worst case scenario. Not only for the workers, but also for related companies, which would lose credits.
Transporters who have returned to Gate C of the steel mill fear the worst. “It is good that the state has intervened, but the tug-of-war with ArcelorMittal could lead straight to emergency administration proceedings,” warns Stefano Castronuovo, representative of Casartigiani, the main promoter of the protest. Acciaierie d’Italia has accumulated debts of approximately 20 million towards the road transport sector. The state of mind is identical for all those who have directly or indirectly connected their working destinies with the smelter. Declining production and the massive use of severance pay turned the former Ilva into a ghost of the factory it once was. There are currently 8,160 workers at the plant in the Ionian capital, of which 2,500 are receiving severance pay. To them must be added 1,600 employees of the former Ilva under extraordinary management, placed on severance pay, and another 4,000 workers from related industries. Everyone has been living with bated breath for months.

Former Ilva, rift between ArcelorMittal and the government: no capital increase with the state to 66%

As of December 21, the day of the last meeting with the prefect, credits totaled 170 million. At a meeting next Thursday at Palazzo Chigi, Fiom Cgil, Fim Cisl and Uilm will present specific demands to the government. “If they had heard us in time, we would not have reached this point,” interrupted Michele De Palma, general secretary of Fiom CGIL. We now expect a solution that will keep workers safe, including those in related industries, guarantee public scrutiny of the company, ensure employment, health and safety, as well as environmental restoration and industrial recovery.”

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