Have your rosemary leaves turned black? We will explain why this is happening

It can happen that the leaves of our rosemary plant turn an unnatural black color: why does this happen and how can we fix it?

The rosemary is one of the most popular and most used aromatic plants to enrich first courses, second courses based on meat or fish, tasty side dishes, potatoes and much more with flavor and aroma.

It is also very useful for hair and scalp care, it can also be used to scent the home or as a natural mosquito repellent in the summer season.

In short, it is a plant with a thousand uses, in and out of the kitchen. Many people, in order to always have fresh rosemary at home, decide to grow it on the balcony or terrace, because it is a relatively undemanding plant to care for.

However, it can happen the leaves of our plant suddenly acquire an unnatural dark color, tending to black. Why is this happening and what can we do to fix it?

Read also: Rosemary: how to grow it in a pot or in the garden

Why does rosemary turn black?

Rosemary is one a typical plant of cold regions and high latitudes (grows in the mountains, above 800 meters above sea level) and needs very little water to survive: this can also be seen in the needle-like leaves, developed precisely to minimize water consumption.

Although it is possible to grow rosemary in our latitudes, on the balcony of the house, it is important to remember the characteristics of the plant so that we can deal with it in the most correct way.

If we notice that the leaves gradually turn black (first at the tips, then along the entire length), the reason may be excessive watering, which causes rotting of the roots in the soil.

If you want to solve this problem before it is too late, it is advisable to transplant the plant. We take the plant out of the soil and carefully clean the roots: if necessary, we cut off those that are rotten and irreparable, and we keep those that are still healthy.

Let’s take a new pot for our plant and choose drainage soil, put a layer of pebbles or clay on the bottom of the pot to help excess water escape.

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