He jumped from the ninth floor with his six-year-old daughter and the dog: the little girl and the animal died

Photo by Anna Bondarenko from Pexels

Tragedy and Ravennawhere a 41-year-old woman jumped from the ninth floor of the building on the morning of Monday, January 8 together with his six-year-old daughter and dog family. The little girl and the animal died instantly, while the mother was hospitalized in a serious condition at the Bufalini Hospital in Cesena.

The drama happened around 7:00 a.m. in via Dradi, on the first day of the reopening of schools after the Christmas holidays. A forty-one-year-old woman took a little girl and a dog with her and jumped into the void: the impact was fatal for the little girl and the dog. From what follows, including a post the woman left on Facebook before the gesture, it would be a poodle.

The facade of the building where the tragedy occurred is surrounded by scaffolding: a neighbor heard the little girl yelling at her mother to stop, while workers who were working on the construction site discovered the bodies and raised the alarm.

Prosecutor Stefano Stargiotti opened the case multiple murders and killing animals and the woman is in custody. According to initial information, the husband of the forty-one-year-old woman would have been at home and would not have noticed anything.

Last April in Agrigento, a man he killed the dog by throwing it off the balcony. A 15-meter flight during which the animal had no possibility of escape. The man was reported to the Agrigento prosecutor’s office for his cruel act.

In Italy, cruelty and killing of animals articles are punished 544 bis and ter of the Criminal Code: “Whoever by cruelty or without necessity causes the death of an animal shall be punished by imprisonment for four months to two years”, states 544 bis, while 544 ter states that “whoever by cruelty or without necessity causes injury shall be punished by the animal or shall be subjected to torture or conduct or fatigue or work that is intolerable given its ethological characteristics with a prison sentence of three to eighteen months or with a fine of 5,000 to 30,000 euros”.

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