He lost three fingers to save his dog from a firecracker: “We fight together and I would do it again”

He didn’t think and when a few hours before New Year’s Eve his dog he took a lighted firecracker from the ground into his mouth he immediately rushed to retrieve it. At the same time, however Ferdinand Girone paid a very high price he lost three fingers after the explosion. Another tragic accident is related to this even and which forever made the life of a forty-year-old resident miserable Naples and his bitch Amstaff Masha.

“It was suffering, but little by little we are recovering – Ferdinando Girone tells Kodami – We fight together and we will slowly get back on our feet.”

Unfortunately, their terrible experience and the courage of Girone leaves us again painful testimony about the destructive effects of barrels and other explosives on the lives of people and other animals. Both Girone and Masha are still fighting long and gentle healing process: surgery, a hyperbaric chamber, and marks and wounds on their bodies and in their minds that it will never disappear again but that certainly won’t stop either Girona or Masha, who are ready restart together stronger than before.

Masha returned home after 10 days in the clinic

“She was also hospitalized in the clinic for ten days – continues Girone – Unfortunately he lost some hearing and maybe sight though luckily he follows the shadows and recognizes us by touch and smell. They had to sew it up on the side, jaw and nose and now we are also proceeding with her gradual rehabilitation, because every now and then she still has a crisis. But it will come back stronger than before.”

The episode happened the evening of December 31, while Girone walked through the Quartieri Spagnoli, not far from his home. “It was just before dinner, around 9:00 p.mwhen I thought it would be safe to walk together near the house long before midnight – recalls Ferdinando – Masha, instinctively, she pounced on the object which I immediately guessed was a firecracker. I tried to quickly take it out of his mouth, but the moment I grabbed him, it exploded».

Girone was then immediately admitted to the Vecchio Pellegrini Hospital and even now, despite everything, he wouldn’t think twice to repeat the gesture that saved his Masha’s life. “It was definitely not a good experience, but I would do it again a hundred thousand times without hesitating for a second, because dogs are like children – he emphatically underlines – Masha was also very strong and showed a lot of courage, she resisted well because she is Amstaff. Due to his large and robust size, he was better able to withstand the blast, also due to his strong character. In the end, all things considered, it worked out well for us. It could have ended much worse».

“I decided to tell everything that happened to us to send a clear and precise message. I would like everyone to understand that New Year’s Eve shots, fired in an illegal and unlawful manner, they can be very dangerous for everyone: We have to prevent more victims, me and my dog ​​are paying very high price“, concludes Ferdinando Girone.

So do we in Kodami we never get tired emphatically repeat what needs to be said just use barrels, firecrackers and fireworks. The risks to the lives of humans and other animals are too high to continue to allow customs and celebrations that are harmful and dangerous to everyone. We will continue to vigorously support the people and associations that make the commitment each year raise awareness among public opinion and administrative authoritiesso we can say no to barrels once and for all. And we’ll make it through, too awareness campaigns and videossuch as the one where we made you really feel how a dog, cat or any other animal feels “New Year’s Ditch”but also and above all empowering voices and stories like Ferdinando Girone and Masha.

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