“Influencers are real publishers: maximum loyalty in content, respect for women and minors.” Exemplary fines

ROME – Right in the middle of the case Chiara Ferragniour Arbiter of Television and Internet Affairs (AgCom) imposes strict rules on influencers with the most notoriety and following, equal to real publishers.

Therefore, the constraints become stronger for those that AgCom – in its guidelines launched today – deems to be professional influencers because they brag:
– at least one million followers on various social networks,
– at least 24 contents published per year,
– and a good level of “follower” engagement,
– the rate that is defined engagement rate.

Just like newspapers and television

Like newspapers, like radio or even private TV, influencers they are obliged to fully respect about the company’s interests and values.

Like newspapers, like radio or televisioneven influencers must now respect the basic principles written in the Consolidated Law on Audiovisual Media (the “Constitutional Charter” of the media).

In fact, influencers avoid expressions of hatred and discriminationwon’t tell fake news and they will always practice:
– correct and impartial communication,
– maximum plurality,
– respecting copyright and privacy,
– protection of the dignity of women and persons,
– this with special regard to minors.

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