Istat, proposed commissioner for ex-president Blangiard. This is how you get around not from the Chamber

ROME — Istat has been without a president for ten months. Since when is it? Gian Carlo Blangiardo, a demographer brought by the League to lead the Institute of Statistics in 2019, was reconfirmed for another four years by the Meloni government in the Council of Ministers on 9 March 2023, held in Cutro. But then he didn’t get the green light from the Chamber, did he? two thirds of the vote of constitutional commissions for opposition no.

The stalemate has continued ever since. Francesco Maria Chellisenior member of the board of Istat from May 15 task “acting president” only for routine administration. His mandate expires on March 24, together with the entire board of directors. And the Institute now fears that it will be subject to a mandate. Not only that: they fear Blangiard as commissioner.

Appointment of Blangiard at Istat: no quorum, vote postponed

by Valentina Conte

Horse Movement Palazzo Chigi

The silence of the Palazzo Chigi would hide the movement of the horse. The lack of political consensus – two-thirds of the vote is used to guarantee a broad consensus of both parties in the appointment – to be replaced by a decision from above, without the need for a census. And let what went out the door come back through the window.

L’any credentials however, it is experienced by it 1,913 Istat employees with discomfort, also because of the image of the European prestige of the Italian statistical office, which would be disturbed. The only precedent mentioned, viz Greece, your wrists are shaking. But they inflated the statistics there. Here, political balances are considered.

Commissioner Blangiard’s hypothesis

The government does not want to give up Blangiard. Born in 1948, the retired former demography professor is well-liked by the League and disliked by Italy’s brothers for it. attention to the issues of reducing the birth rate on which he concentrated a lot in the first four years of the presidency of Istat, carried out free of charge precisely as a pensioner under the Madia law. A rule that Meloni’s government suspended. Without then being able to get Blangiard back in the saddle. However, the professor was assured about the coming solution.

Blangiardo reaffirmed at Istat. Not free anymore, thanks to the golden pensioner rule

by Valentina Conte

M5S: “We are not voting for him”

Credentials are the way. The second is to get two-thirds of the vote. The rumor that the Five Star Movement was ready to vote for him was denied. Nothing has changed, say parliamentary sources. I have no intention of voting for Blangiard. Meanwhile, there is great unrest at the Institute.

Well 14 out of 18 central and union directors are out of office. “Acting” President Chelli cannot do anything out of the ordinary. Here comes the hypothesis one year extension for these executives, functional for government to get time. But Istat without a guide means a Istat without strategies, also in terms of recruitment. Just a few years ago, there were 2,400 employees.

Administration of INPS and Inail ends. The government elects Fava and D’Ascenzo as presidents

by Valentina Conte

The process of appointing top management of INPS and Inail

However, the process of appointing the lawyer Gabriele Favo as president of INPS is proceeding quickly, or rather accelerating, and the confirmation of Fabrizio D’Ascenza, former dean of the Faculty of Economics of Sapienza, as the head of Inail. The working committees have started the assessment process, which will arrive by January 29. Fava and D’Ascenzo are scheduled to be heard Jan. 16 in the Senate and Jan. 17 in the House. The game of seats comes to life immediately after, with the appointment of boards of directors and CEOs.

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