Killing up to 8 bears a year in Trentino: Fugatti presents a bill

The President of the Autonomous Province of Trento announced it and did so Maurizio Fugatti introduced a bill to cull 8 bears a year. The proposal was already anticipated at the regional council meeting. During this important appointment, which was to define the future goals of the Legislature, Fugatti focused on this very purpose, which he gave substance to today.

“We have submitted a bill to the Council that builds on the agreement reached this summer with the government to cull up to 8 bears per year, confident or dangerous. for three years” said the provincial president. It was a Northern League councilor who actually brought the bill to the Council Roberto Failonito which delegating to large beasts.

The bears killed at the end of the three years given by Fufatti will therefore be total 24 on an estimated population of approximately 100 individuals. The number of bears killed was justified ISPRA document in which it is argued that the population of Trentino plantigrades can support the removal of a maximum of eight bears per year, which is very different from when to give the green light to slaughter.

Despite the government’s approval, the bill may never see the light of day. Although Fugatti has requested it several times, he still does not have the autonomy to manage wildlife. The bear remains a species protected by national and European laws, which cannot be overridden even by autonomous province law.

A situation that Fugatti is well aware of, but which did not prevent him from presenting his proposal as a sign of continuity with the promises made during the election campaign. In October of this year, Fugatti was re-elected head of the autonomous province with 51.82% of the vote, also thanks to a message that focused heavily on the promise of autonomous management of large carnivores, in other words, freedom to kill.

It also contributes to the need to satisfy its constituents meeting with TAR scheduled for December 11. On this day, judges will rule on the possible transfer of the bear JJ4, which attacked and killed a 26-year-old, to a sanctuary in Romania. Andrea Papiova.

The death of the young man is still an open wound not only for his family, but for the entire community of Trentino, which lives near forests and large green areas. Following this tragic event, the autonomous province adopted a zero-tolerance policy for bears deemed trustworthy or problematic. A communication strategy Fugatti needed to distance his administration from any responsibility for Andrea’s death. The boy’s parents have called several times in the past year for a “step back” from those who allowed the “foretold death” and not for the bear to be executed.

A claim of responsibility from the province never came, only a promise to kill JJ4 along with much of the population. All this without reviewing the large carnivore management system, which at least in Caldes has not proven to be effective.

Association complaint

Animal welfare associations immediately intervened in the bill and in recent months defended the bears against the cull decrees signed by Fugatti, which the TAR promptly suspended.

L’Oops he declared that «the autonomous province of Trento has now become black shirt to protect biodiversity. It does not take precautionary measures to keep tourists and animals safe, and reasons only in terms of culling, against all European legislation and against Article 9 of the Constitution, which protects biological diversity.” In recent months, the Organization has also worked to support the transfer for JJ4, identifying Bear Liberty Reservewhich is managed by the association Millions of friendsmember of Oipa.

Also there Work intervened and emphasized the lack of feasibility of the bill: «The new law announced by councilor Failoni will have no impact on people’s security, it is only an act of political propaganda “get likes”, a clear mockery of the citizens of Trentino, which will lead to the violation of European regulations, with the subsequent initiation of a new procedure for default against our country. President Fugatti should realize that his policies are destined to fail again and finally start a new season based on peaceful coexistence with the big beasts, which are the only ones truly capable of guaranteeing the safety of humans and animals.”

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