Lemon plant, beware of cold and parasites

The lemon it is a plant belonging to the family Rutaceae and is originally from tropical regions of Asia, probably from India or China. The history of its cultivation goes back thousands of years, and traders and historical explorations spread it around the world. The lemon plant is a medium-sized evergreen tree with glossy, oval, dark green leaves. Is manufactured fragrant white flowers which after pollination give rise to lemon fruits, a rich source of vitamin C, widely used in the kitchen to flavor dishes, drinks and desserts.

All about cultivation

Cultivate one healthy and productive lemon plant, experts take certain specific precautions which, if followed, make a difference in cultivation.

  • Terrain selection: the lemon tree requires well-drained, nutrient-rich, well-aerated soil with a slightly acidic pH, between 6 and 7.
  • Position: a lemon tree plant should best be placed where it receives at least 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. Lemon loves heat and sun, so being in the sun is essential for good growth and production of quality lemons.
  • Temperature: it is a tropical plant and needs moderate temperatures to thrive. Try to avoid temperatures below 10-12°C, as the lemon can be damaged by the cold.
  • Irrigation: it is advisable to keep the soil moist, but not completely wet. It will be enough to water the plant regularly, especially in the hot and dry season, to prevent water stagnation. A solution suitable for those short on time could be drip irrigation with gradual release.
  • Fertilization: it needs adequate nutrition to produce healthy and tasty lemons. It is best to use a balanced fertilizer specifically for citrus and apply according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Fertilization should be done mainly in spring and summer.
  • Pruning: It is important that the lemon plant is compact and that good air circulation is encouraged. Simply remove dead, diseased or damaged branches and trim the ends of the branches to encourage denser growth.
  • Collection: once the lemons are fully ripe, they can be harvested. Lemons ready for harvest will have a bright yellow color and a sweet, juicy flavor.

Lemon plant: how to care for it

If a lemon plant is attacked by parasitesit is important to act quickly to protect the plant and prevent serious damage.

  • Regular inspection: It is a good idea to check the lemon tree regularly for signs of pest infestation. Sensitive parts such as leaves, flowers and fruits should be watched more carefully to check for insects or signs of damage.
  • Manual removal: depending on the severity of the infestation, manual removal can be carried out, in case of more serious infestations, it will be necessary to resort to the use of natural preparations or insecticides.
  • Use of natural products: you can use natural remedies such as insecticidal soap, neem oil or vinegar to fight minor infestations. These products are gentler than insecticides and respect the environment.
  • Approved insecticides: If the infestation is more severe or natural remedies are not effective, specific insecticides can be used to control pests on citrus plants. It is advisable to ask directly from specialized sellers.
  • Cleaning the surroundings: It is helpful to remove weeds and debris from around the lemon plant as they can be a breeding ground for parasites.
  • Continuous monitoring: Finally, it never hurts to constantly monitor the plant, which will help prevent parasite attacks.

I contamination it was a lot seriously or persistent despite pest control efforts, you may need to consult a horticulture expert or an agronomist for a more detailed assessment and specific advice on lemon plant care. Prevention is also important keep the lemon plant healthy; therefore, it is advisable to take preventive measures. Especially if you grow many lemon plants, it is important to understand the problem and intervene immediately. There are very fast and dangerous parasites that can destroy entire lemon crops in a short period of time, ruining the harvest and any business.

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