Litter left in a plastic bag in Barletta: all the dogs died

Wet and paralyzed by the cold, they were left like garbage in a plastic bag, but unfortunately they did not make it despite a desperate attempt to save them. A group of newborn dog puppies were abandoned in Barletta at the ASL headquarters via Vittorio Veneto. The incident took place on the night of Monday to Tuesday when a heavy downpour hit the city, forcing the newborns to spend hours in the freezing cold under water.

A condition too complicated to survive. When the volunteers arrived, only three still showed slight signs of life. Warmed by affection and devotion, they tried to cling to life for several hours, but gradually died. The last one, Spugna, as he was renamed, died in the evening.

“We resuscitated them, tried to save at least the three that were still alive,” says Kodami Annarita Distaso from ENPA in Barletta – after a really demanding morning, we also managed to stabilize them. Initially there were four, the last one was entrusted to Nadia Todisco, who made herself available to him as a nurse. The speed of the doctors Fortunato and Ceci from ASL who found them, trying to save them when they found them completely frozen and called us, must also be highlighted.”


However, as already mentioned, the attempt was in vain. The long time spent last night in the freezing cold made any attempt at rescue unnecessary. The three puppies that remained alive also died from the vicious howling. To all who did their best to keep them alive bitterness remains at witnessing such a terrible end.

“We started 2024 in a terrible way – continues the representative of ENPA – I really have no words. This is my first time with such small puppies. They died crying. I’ve had this happen many times with cats, but never like this. I am really traumatized. We could not save even one of them, no matter how much effort and pain we went through. We will be the ones who remember that cry, not the ones who were responsible for these deaths.”


Those responsible for the abandonment have apparently not been identified and will most likely never be discovered. The bitter observation remains an abandonment that, given how it occurred, became a death sentence for the poor pups. He stayed underwater in the freezing night. If they left them at least in some protected place now, we would only have to take care of so-called four newborn dogs that we would have to wean and adopt. Something that unfortunately won’t happen.

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