Lola, who ran away from the fear of explosions: found after a week in the province of Como

Lola, the dog that escaped on December 24, 2023 due to some barrels exploding, has been found. Driven by fear, Lola fled over the fence of her home garden in Fino Mornasco, province How.

Fortunately it was found and recovered on December 30 by the traffic police as he wandered down the street. Now Lola is back with the family who adopted her from Sicily two years ago and brought her to Lombardy.

However, during her disappearance, her people never stopped looking for her, following sightings in neighboring villages, as her friend recalled in a post: “I was very worried because I knew Lola’s fearful nature and she would not let go. zoomed in easily.from someone. The traffic police were prudent, I think they “gave up” because they were really tired. He’s better now, but the haunting was great».

Her human since the first day Lola ran away he never lost hopeand she continued to look for her in the streets of the city and published her request for help verbally on social sites, until one of the volunteers of Como Soccorso Emergenze, Richard the Third, did not share the discovery: «This morning Lola went out, was in via E.Casati, ran to the gate of the business and then went out into the street on the side of via P. Paoli, where he was blocked by a PČR patrol. After visiting and bandaging her paws, they are now bringing her home. Thank you to the State Police and everyone who shared the post and report.”

“It must have been a firecracker that made Lola escape,” continued a volunteer who was actively involved in the search. It wasn’t an easy feat considering Lola was still scared. “What I recommend to people in these cases – continued Riccardo – is to keep the animals in a safe place, in a room or in any case closed, because outside they will think of anything to manage to escape when they hear firecrackers. They definitely shouldn’t be left alone. We should get them used to noise, such as fireworks, by holding them in our arms so they understand that nothing can happen to them.’

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