The puppy Lio was abandoned on the Partinico state road in the summer: he is now looking for adoption

Is called Leohe is a small dog about 6 months old and alive in Palermo, was taken care of by volunteer Lav and a dog trainer Giorgia Matesi who is looking for a conscious adoptive family for him, eager to offer the puppy a future full of love and life experiences.

Lio is probably a result of what still happens during the summer season, a period that unfortunately has been characterized by unfortunate events for years. the phenomenon of abandonment animals, related to the arrival of holidays. A sad reality that seems to persist over time and cannot be definitively stopped.

The puppy was actually found on the Partinico state road, in the province of Palermo from a friend of Matesi who, after verifying that there were no animals or people looking for Lio, decided to take him with him, saving him from the fast current and the hot temperatures typical of the 14th of July in Sicily.

The city celebrated the patron saint of Palermo, Rosalia, and therefore the puppy was baptized with the diminutive name Lio, due to the correlation between the saint’s celebration and the day the animal was found.


After an initial trial period at the home of a man who picked him up off the street but still living with other animals who didn’t bond well with Li, and a short stop at another volunteer’s home, the puppy landed in Matesi’s house. From that moment on, research was started to identify suitable people for him, but unfortunately they have not yet arrived.

Lia actually he also risked going to the kennel, after the man realized he didn’t have the means to host him due to his incompatibility with other animals, but luckily Matesi prevented it, offering to host him temporarily with a view to future adoption. However, the period of stay was extended until today, which makes it difficult for the volunteer to continue her project of welcoming dogs, avoiding locking them in kennels and waiting for informed adoptions.


“Lio is a curious dog, very intelligent and super attentive. He lived in my house with other dogs and cats, some even with disabilities, and with all of them he always showed behavior typical of his age – Giorgia Matesi tells Kodami – his ideal adopters they are gods active and dynamic peoplewho want to explore the world with him and accompany him to the next stage of life.”

Lio is a dog that Matesi took care of with dedication and experience in the first phase of his life. The little dog can walk on a leash, loves walking in the mountains, is an attentive listener, and the ideal environment for him would be house with outdoor space. To be verified are the contexts of homes in crowded centers, without outdoor space, which should somehow be “replaced” with more walks in the open air. Additionally, applications coming from an environment where there are no very young children would be preferred “simply because Lio is a very active dog and would therefore require a large expenditure of energy and attention”.

Those interested in adopting Lia can contact the number 3534588917

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