Turtle conservation: 2023 results

Last November 20, several groups WWF activists arrived in the city of Caltanissetta in the premises of the “Casa delle Culture e del Volontariato” to celebrate together the excellent results achieved in the area of ​​Sicily in 2023.

What are the numbers? Outside 6000 loggerhead turtles have been monitored and protected since birthother important numbers are added to them, as volunteers checked 145 nests.

This is really significant data, and therefore i WWF volunteerswhich has been fighting for the defense of the environment and endangered species for more than 60 years, celebrated these huge goals.

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The Loggerhead Turtle Project in Sicily

During the celebration national project manager, Luigi Agresti, connected remotely, which underlined how essential the work and activities of volunteers were and are.

Then it was the turn of the scientific manager of the project, Paolo Casale from the University of Pisa, who provided information on the occurrence of sea turtles in the Mediterranean,

Other notable interventions were Francesco Palazzo, Giuseppe Palilla from the Torre Salsa Reserve, who together with Director Alessandro Salemi presented a report on the health status of WWF-managed reserves in Sicily.

Finally, the leader of the Sicilian activists Oleano Prato intervened and spoke about WWF Turtle Project in Sicilyrepresenting nesting territories and those that need to be protected and protected the most.

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Caretta caretta turtles: what you need to know

PUSH turtle caretta caretta, also known as the loggerhead turtle or Atlantic loggerhead turtle, is a species of sea turtle found in many parts of the world. Here is some key information about the species:

  • Distribution: these turtles are found in various ocean regionsincluding the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Caretta caretta turtles prefer temperate waters and are often found near the coast.
  • Physical properties: Caretta caretta turtles are characterized by a robust and pointed shell, which can reach over one meter in length. Carapace color can vary from brown to olive green. These turtles have a large head with robust jaws and beak-shaped mandibles.
  • Diet: The food of Caretta caretta turtles is varied and may include shrimp, shellfish, jellyfish, fish and algae. They are primarily carnivorous, but their diet can vary slightly depending on region and age.
  • Reproduction: le Caretta caretta turtles reach sexual maturity around 20-30 years. Females return to nesting beaches where they lay their eggs in holes dug in the sand. After the incubation period, the baby turtles hatch and enter the sea.
  • Threats: this the species is threatened by various human activitiesincluding by-catch, marine pollution, climate change and coastal habitat loss. Conservation efforts are underway in many regions trying to preserve their breeding habitats.
  • Protective laws: The Caretta caretta turtle is protected by national and international laws. Numerous nesting areas are actually designated as marine reserves or national parks.

Conservation of loggerhead turtles requires a global effort to mitigate the threats they face and to preserve the marine habitats necessary for their survival.

Original article on Today.it

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