Why some Arab countries are boycotting McDonald’s

McDonald’s currently relies on thousands of independent companies to own and operate most of its more than 40,000 stores worldwide. About 5% are located in the Middle East. A boycott that spread to Most Muslim countries such as Egypt and Jordan, Kuwait and Pakistan it is also gaining ground in other countries. According to some local media reports, pro-Palestinian groups targeted a McDonald’s restaurant in Lebanon. In response, McDonald’s Lebanon issued a statement emphasizing that the views or positions of McDonald’s franchisees in other countries in no way reflect the views or positions of the company in Lebanon.

In recent days McDonald’s Malaysiainstead, he took the movement to court pro-Palestinian activists Bds Malaysia, accused him of defamation for supporting a boycott of the fast food restaurant, which would have caused the franchise to lose 1.89% of its shares. The company claims that the actions caused the movement financial damages and job lossesseeking damages of 6 million ringgit (approx $1.31 million).

in the statement McDonald’s Egypt he emphasized that it is a completely Egyptian company and that the parent company allows it use the brand only in the local market: “McDonald’s parent company’s role is to enable us to use the brand and to provide us with the experience and knowledge necessary to provide the best service to our customers”we read in the press release.

McDonald’s branches in various countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, Pakistan and Turkey they said they did not support Israel’s action and pledged to help the Palestinians in Gaza. For example, McDonald’s Oman donates $100,000 (about €95,000) to Gaza. And in total, the various branches in Islamic countries raised more than 3 million dollars (over 2.8 million euros) for Gaza.

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