A dog kennel hosted in the square to promote their adoption: a project in Cosenza

Is called “Here’s a paw… see you in the kennel” and it is a project launched on January 8 The municipality of Cosenzain cooperation with the Operational Department of Municipal Veterinary Hygiene, HlWait asanimal rights association “Invisibili” operating in local kennels and shelters. The aim of the initiative is promote adoptions of captive animals on site in the structures associated with the Calabrian municipality by moving them to the main town square to give all citizens the opportunity to get to know them in an environment different from the kennel shed.

A good resolution for the new year therefore comes from the region of Calabria, which for years has been struggling with the phenomenon of stray animals and animal husbandry along with other regions of southern Italy. In fact, over the past decade, many administrations have expressed doubts about overcrowding in kennels and the few adoption applications.

Days dedicated to this activity will take place every Saturday Piazza XI Settembrein Cosenza: here the dogs will rest from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m in special enclosures and stalls made available by the animal rights association with the hope that citizens will be able to notice them, ask for information about their past and ultimately decide to welcome them into their lives.

the mayor of the city of Cosenza, Franz Caruso, stated that: “With the initiative “Qua la zampa…”, for which I thank the Councilor for Welfare and Animal Rights Veronica Buffone, we intend to provide more pressure to adopt dogs, to give our four-legged friends a family ready to welcome and love and care for them.”

From the agreement between the municipality, Asp and the association, it is assumed that the days dedicated to this type of activity, planned for Saturdays in different weeks, will be reported to citizens from time to time who on this occasion will be able to go out into the streets to get to know the four-legged animals looking for adoption.

It is assumed that the adoption cannot take place directly on the spot, but those interested will be able to request more information by filling out pre-foster care card which will then be evaluated by volunteers together with municipality operators. Depending on the positive or negative result, depending on what was declared by the adoption candidates, we will proceed accordingly additional checks, to ensure that the fostering procedure takes place in accordance with the law and respects the welfare of the animals. If all the steps are passed, the procedure ends with the handover of the animal directly to the kennel staff, after issuing the necessary authorizations and documents.

The “Invisibili” association will take care of it moving animals from the shed to the square and conversely. The dogs that the volunteers welcome to the square will be those that are currently housed in medical facilities Donnici and Mendicino, they have agreements with other neighboring municipalities.

“Our project – underlinedcouncilor Veronica Buffone – will arrive a few weeks after the municipal animal protection ordinance is approved by the city council. An important act that integrates more tools to fight the complex phenomenon of stray animals, respecting the well-being of our four-legged friends and promoting adoption, along with other planned activities, in an effort to align the city of Cosenza with other Italian cities and other European countries that have proven to be more virtuous in managing the phenomenon of stray animals’.

“Days on the square – states the municipality – also have a goal to educate citizens on the right relationship with animals and increase their sense of responsibility, increase their awareness of the importance of sterilization and of problems such as abandonment and abuse”.

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