Sabaudia approves the Animal Welfare Regulations and appoints the Guarantor

Also Savoy now he has his own regulations for animal welfare and protection. The municipality in the province of Latina also appointed a guarantor: he will be a veterinarian Fabrizio Livi.

“We are satisfied with the result achieved,” explained Mayor Sabaudie Alberto Mosca –. The legislation aims to restore balance to the relationship between humans and animals, which is often seen as unbalanced. It is for this reason that we felt the need to approve the regulation, convinced that the welfare and protection of animals is happening decisive elements for harmonious coexistence.”

But the commitment of the municipality of Sabaudia to animals does not end there: as explained by the councilor for health and equal opportunities Anna Maria Maracchioni, a. an office dedicated to the protection of animalsopen to all citizens together with the Guarantee Office.

Maracchioni indicated the next steps after the unanimous approval of the document: «We want to actively involve the community. Regulation actually will publicly presented to citizens, organizations, associations and professionals to promote responsible adoptions and promote microchip identification. We are working to involve schools as well.”

In fact, the Administration has announced that it wants to organize meeting with students present them with the content of the prescription. To educate even the smallest ones to respect all living beings.

The municipality would also like to open a dog area in Savoyto guarantee a better quality of life for the animals and pets that inhabit the city.

While Sabaudia approved the ordinance and chose its guarantor, Rome still lacks it, one year after the conclusion of the selection procedure published by the municipality to identify this number. Both the animal rights association and the mayor’s opposition reported on it Roberto Gualtierispecifically Fabrizio Santori, head of the League group in the Capitol.

The guarantor must be appointed by the mayor after hearing the opinion of the environmental commission. The selected person fulfills this role for free and remains in office for the duration of the mayor’s term. “The appointment will come soon: there is a great need for an animal representative in Rome, for their protection and for the management of stray animals,” said Rome’s Oipa delegate Francesca Lavarini.

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