Jade tree: 5 tips on how to grow it at home

A few simple measures are enough to guarantee a long and prosperous life for our jade tree, an ornamental succulent plant considered lucky.

L’jade tree (Crassula ovata) is a succulent plant native to southern Africa and belonging to Crassulaceaecharacterized by a highly branched light brown stem and light green oval leaves.

It is about a succulent plant that is relatively easy to care for and very beautiful to look attherefore also suitable as a tip for a gift or for those who take care of balcony plants for the first time.

However, this does not mean that the jade tree does not need attention. In this article, we will provide five practical tips to keep this plant in optimal health and beauty and turn it into an irresistible focal point in your home.

Also read: Jade tree: why it is considered a lucky plant and who you should give it to


Let’s start by talking about what a jade tree is a houseplant that requires a very bright environment grow flowery and healthy, but it is essential to avoid direct exposure to intense sunlight that could damage the fleshy leaves.

The ideal solution is to place the plant near a window that receives indirect sunlight for several hours a day: this way the plant can make the most of the light for photosynthesis and avoid the risk of burns or heat stress.

Cair circulation

Good air circulation is also essential to prevent diseases such as root rot and fungal problems in our jade tree.

To keep the plant always fresh and to prevent water stagnation, we place the pot in an area of ​​the house where air circulates freely, for example near a window or balcony.

We also monitor the humidity levels of the environment – especially in winter, when the use of heaters or the bad habit of leaving clothes to dry inside the house they can make the air too dry or too humid.


Although it is a succulent plant, This does not mean that jade does not require careful and constant hydration over time, albeit mild.

We water only when the soil is completely dry, so that there is no risk of rotting of the roots: to check the moisture, we touch the soil with our fingers.

Cleaning foil

It may seem absurd, but The leaves of jade trees tend to accumulate dust over timeand this negatively affects the natural process of photosynthesis.

It is vital to clean the leaves regularly with a soft, slightly damp cloth or a fine brush so that the plant can absorb light effectively and the leaves remain bright and fresh.


At the end, Repotting is an important jade tree maintenance procedure – especially if we have hosted the plant for years: over time the soil can lose its essential nutrients and become compacted, which will limit root growth.

To transplant a jade tree, we choose a specific soil for succulent plants and a slightly larger pot to allow the roots to spread: these measures will allow healthy and vigorous development.

Other succulent plants to grow:

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