A dog tied to a pole and set on fire in Palermo: a struggle between life and death

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Yesterday in Palermo, there was a dog in the via delle Croci bound to the light pole with the chain and then ignite. From initial reconstructions, it would appear that the person responsible is the contact person of the animal.

A dog named Pitbull Aaronhe announced burns over 80% of the body and severe internal organ damage and is now hospitalized in a private clinic where a struggle between life and death.

The report of his condition came from a passerby who witnessed the event and allowed the dog to come saved at the last minute thanks to his request for immediate help. It turned out to be crucial example Lav to a judicial authority to obtain custody of the animal to best protect it and prevent it from being transferred to a municipality-affiliated clinic, which Lav said would be “too risky given the critical conditions and reserved prognosis.”

Lav also filed at the same time Complaint for ill-treatment by asking the mayor of Palermo, Roberto La Galla, to issue a decree which prohibits the offender from keeping other animals and provides for an assessment of his mental state to protect public safety.

“We’re holding our breath hoping that Aron will continue to fight, despite the great suffering he is experiencing and he managed to survive the horror he suffered – declares the LAV – in the meantime we file a complaint of ill-treatment and ask the mayor of Palermo Roberto Lagalla to give a strong signal aimed at protecting all animals in the area issues a decree that prohibits anyone , who has committed such a serious and brutal act, to keep other animals, and provides for an assessment of their mental state in order to protect public safety”.

What happened yesterday in Palermo, in via delle Croci, is unfortunatelyanother case of mistreatment, as well as attempted murder committed by a human on an animal. Investigations are still ongoing by the authorities, who have pledged to investigate the dynamics of the fire and the motive for this extreme act.

Of hypotheses not yet officially confirmed the dog appears to have been chipped registered on the person responsible for the crime and that in recent days, other similar notifications have been made on the same person by some citizens.

“We also cannot fail to emphasize how the penalties provided for such brutal crimes against animals are seriously inadequate. We will not forget this and other cases – continues the LAV – such as the case of the Leone cat skinned alive in Cava de’ Tirreni, which have been in the news in recent months to put further pressure on the members of the Chamber’s Justice Commission to proceed with the review and approval legislative proposals to toughen penalties and streamline the rules for prosecuting crimes against animals”.

Meanwhile, the Palermo headquarters of Lav launched an appeal on Facebook to all Palermitans with the hope of gathering more information about the event: “Regarding the events that took place last night, anyone who has information, certain dates, documentation, testimony about the person who set him on fire dog, contact us and send everything to lav.palermo@lav.it Or 353 458 8917”

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