Buying agricultural land: what to know and how to proceed

Unlike what happens with the purchase of other land, when dealing with Farmland there are a number of specific rules. Differences can also be found in taxes, so it’s better to pay close attention so you don’t approach the purchase the wrong way and risk unpleasant surprises. So here are the most important guidelines to follow before proceedingpurchase of agricultural land.

Requirements for the purchase of agricultural land

Not all land without buildings should be considered agricultural land. In order for it to be effectively considered as agricultural land, the property must be registered in the municipal zoning plan under category E. For this reason, it is necessary for the municipality to release Urban destination certificate which refers to the land you intend to buy so that you understand all the restrictions affecting the land itself. As this is a necessary document for the deed, it is best that this process be done in advance.

To formalize the purchase, it is necessary to contact a notaryas is the case with the sale of other types of land.

In the fight against illegal transactions, the tax authority will be able to verify the correspondence between real transactions land value and selling price up to 3 years from purchase. If an imbalance is found with a sale price lower than the actual price, an assessment notice will be issued requesting integration taxes paid for landsent to both the seller and the buyer, although only the buyer has to pay taxes related to the land (as with the IMU quota).

How much will you pay to buy farmland?

The cost of purchasing agricultural land does not change in case of purchase from a private person or business. In the absence of specific concessions, you will encounter a number taxeswhich are usually paid by buyers who are:

  • 15% registration tax, calculated from the purchase price of the agricultural land
  • Cadastral tax
  • Mortgage tax (fixed at EUR 50)
  • Notary tax.

How much does a notarial deed for the purchase of agricultural land cost?

The price of notary registration may vary depending on professional fee however, it is also linked to the value of the farmland you intend to buy.

Buying agricultural land: what to benefit from

A number of exemptions apply to agricultural land. Already at the purchase stage, it is possible that you can take advantage of discounts if you belong to certain categories category of buyers who:

  • direct farmers
  • professional agricultural entrepreneurs
  • spouse or descendant of a direct farmer.

He will benefit from it reduced purchase taxes agricultural land, even if located in mountainous areas. In fact, there is talk of a reduction in registration tax, which will drop to 9% of the purchase price.

Right of pre-emption, purchase and accessories to agricultural land

Agricultural land has also right of first refusal, this time for the benefit of neighboring tenants and farmers, who will have to be informed of the sale and the price. The right of pre-emption can be exercised in 30 days from the pre-sale announcement. While it is possible to apply within one year from the registration of the land sale right of redemption.

The appliances they are considered part of agricultural land and can enjoy the same benefits if they serve the same land. Before purchase is necessary ask relating to access to land, registered easements, rights of way and others, including those arising from adverse possession or other events.

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