Is it time to tax artificial intelligence?

Another Goldman Sachs survey instead predicts growth of at least osseven trillion dollars for the global economy over the next ten years, while up to two-thirds of US jobs – over the same period – will end up being threatened by artificial intelligence in some way. Nearly 30% of hours worked in the US will be affected by automation processes (McKinsey) and as mentioned, approximately 12 million workers will need training. work transition to pass In short, as much as we can talk about AI improving, supporting, enhancing and emancipating our current jobs by giving us plenty of free time to walk the dog, the elephant lies ahead. Already today: according to research by ResumeBuilder, more than a third of managers admitted to replacing the human workforce with automated systems last year, and will continue to do so this year: 44% of companies surveyed explain that innovations in artificial intelligence will lead to new layoffs. Because the situation shouldn’t will worsen with increasingly sophisticated and powerful artificial intelligence generative solutions whose fruits will be increasingly indistinguishable from the work of a human being?

So a lot of money will be needed to strengthen current public policies and especially to start new ones. This the transition will not be a luncheon and every national economy will have to anticipate the impact of artificial intelligence on all sectors of its economy. In Italy we are mired in political disputes over the chairmanship of the Algorithmic Commission. As always, it is a crucial question redistribution of wealth: a lot is produced thanks to new technologies, but the body of society, the base of the pyramid, only enjoys the crumbs. And people are really facing it marginalization their skills, increasingly distant from the heart of new needs.

For this reason, Schaake explains, “without intervention, the next chapter of the technological revolution is again at risk privatize profitsand at the same time shift the cost of mitigation to the public purse. Social support and retraining of laid-off workers are not just economic disadvantages: they are the kinds of social change that easily lead to political unrest. For generations, work has been the basis not only of family income, but also of daily routine and sense of purpose. Try to imagine what you would do without your job“. For Schaake, this new deposit of immense wealth must therefore be taxed. How, how much and above all to whom to apply taxation in an industrial landscape in which virtually every company integrates tools of this type in some way will be a challenge to which multinational organizations will have to respond. Far from the star system of (pseudo)visionary billionaires and their provocative interventions aimed at split et impera and strongly within the concerns, wants and needs of the people of the global south and north.

To rebalance the cost-benefit impacts of AI on society and ensure that the necessary response is available to all, taxing AI companies is the only logical step,” adds the expert, who in this regard also recalls the proposals of Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Democratic senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders to update taking into account the progress of generative artificial intelligence.

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