Does Elon Musk have a drug problem?

In corporate circles and among people close to Elon Musk, there have long been rumors about his alleged knowledge of drugs such as ketamine, hallucinogenic mushrooms, LSD, ecstasy and cocaine. Now, however, things are turning from a rumor to something more serious. The The Wall Street Journal published a detailed article in which some managers, shareholders and investors of companies managed by the billionaire express their concerns about the entrepreneur’s mental stability. The newspaper revealed new episodes regarding Musk’s drug use and the possible consequences that, according to the managers of his companies, such actions could have on his company.

Everyone knows that a billionaire is a a regular visitor to Burning Man, an art and music festival in Nevada, where all kinds of drugs are heavily used. But according to what appears from the testimony, the preferred context in which Musk takes illegal drugs are his private parties where all attendees sign non-disclosure agreements before entering. For example, during a party organized at his residence in Los Angeles in 2018, some witnesses report it Musk reportedly took multiple doses of LSD. Even the following year, during a company event in Mexico, he apparently used psychedelics, in this case hallucinogenic mushrooms. In 2021 a party during Art Basel in Miami, Musk reportedly consumed ketamine with his brother. Additionally, during the presentation of a new SpaceX rocket in California in 2017, after only 15 minutes of speech, Musk was unable to continue speaking due to the use of excessive drug useprompting SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell to remove the microphone from his mouth.

And it didn’t end there. Sources close to Musk also say that the businessman took illegal drugs in the company Steve Jurvetson, current board member of SpaceX. In addition, Musk recently statedmake you a zombie“. Ketamine is an analgesic-dissociative drug, widely used in veterinary medicine, which also induces hallucinations at subanesthetic doses. However, it was only recently tested treatment resistant depression.

Implications for businesses

Musk’s past experience with drug use they already had negative effects on the financial performance of their companies. IN 2018during an appearance on a radio show Joe Roganin which smoked weed and drank whiskey live, Tesla shares fell 10% the next day. Musk’s behavior has also caused concern because it is outspoken contradiction with the rules laid down in your own company. In fact, SpaceX and Tesla’s corporate guidelines specifically prohibit it use of illegal substances.

Now there are many who observe the delicate relationship SpaceX with the US Federal Government. Although the US government has awarded contracts of significant value to SpaceX – which is confirmed as a key figure in the transportation of NASA astronauts toward the International Space Station—recent confirmation of Musk’s drug use raises serious questions concerns about this partnership. In fact Il A drug-free workplace act strongly requires companies that sign government contracts or receive federal grants to guarantee a work environment without narcotics. According to the information he provided The Wall Street Journalthe Space X contracts would be in jeopardy and with them trillion dollars and tens of thousands of jobs related to the US space program. In response to the article, Elon Musk’s lawyer, Alex Spiro, said the mogul regularly undergoes passing drug tests.

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