Dog found hanged in Rosolini: Party for animal rights reports to the prosecutor’s office

Another terrible news from abuse and killing it comes to the animal Rosolini, in the province Syracusewhere a small dog with black and white fur was found on January 13 dead and tied to a rope around his neck.

Probably from the first reconstructions of the incident, the dog died of strangulation after being injured hanged and tied to the gate in via P. Viriglio.

The pictures are horrifying and we at Kodami, as always, have decided not to show them because they add nothing compared to what has been said and to not harm the dignity of the dog who is the victim of cruel cruelty.

The horrifying discovery was made by some local volunteers who immediately reported the incident involved Italian Animalist Party. “We are truly horrified by this latest crime against a poor defenseless animal,” he explained Patrik Battipaglia, coordinator of the Italian Party for Animal Rights for Sicily – Our legal office has already filed a complaint with the public prosecutor’s office. For some time we have witnessed a real escalation of violence against poor defenseless animals. An atmosphere of violence that we absolutely condemn. It is necessary that the parliament approves our Angel’s Law as soon as possible, by which we ask for tougher penalties for those who torture and kill animals”.

Now it will be up to the investigators to shed light on what happened, try to reconstruct the causes that led to the poor dog’s death, and above all try to find the perpetrators of this latest and heinous crime.

The poor little dog, the victim of such cruelty, died a few days later Aaron, Pitbull burned alive in Palermo and died after three long days of suffering in a clinic. Aron’s story is once again in the spotlight the need to intervene with stricter laws who can fairly and exemplary punish the perpetrators of these heinous crimes who harm the most defenseless, safe in the knowledge that they can act and go unpunished most of the time or risk negligible penalties.

“We are asking the authorities for help to find the person responsible for such a petty and brutal act, including through security cameras in the area. We call on the inhabitants of the area – concludes the leader of the Italian Animalist Party – to provide us with any useful information, even anonymously, on the telephone number 3471440434, in order to identify the person responsible for this terrible killing”.

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