Dogs and birds protected in cages: illegal garage reported in the Avellino area

Animals kept illegally in cagesthe presence of untraceable waste and illegal operation: this is the result of an inspection of a garage in the municipality of Domicella in the province of Avellino, carried out by the Metropolitan Police of Naples coordinated by Commander Lucia Rea.

During the checks, it was found that the owner of the garage has two specimens in small cages siskins: pThis is a specially protected bird species and their possession without a permit is a criminal offence. During the checks, the officers also noted the presence of dogs kept in unsafe hygienic conditions.

Commander Lucia Rea reports to Kodami: «Unfortunately, we often make these types of discoveries. Of course, frequency depends a lot on locations. Let me explain: in such devastated lands, there are few “rules” that are dictated by lawlessness and ignorance. These are places where the social structure is based on the attitudes of the Camorra, so it is obvious that this type of illegal activity is carried out in abundance. It is also now known that the capture and trade of these specimens and other animals is a significant source of income, as well as other illegal activities.”

Referring to the regulations in force regarding the presence of wild animals on Italian territory, the commander adds that: “The animals had no signs of ill-treatment: the birds that had been recently captured were freed. For dogs without microchips, appropriate measures have been taken to protect them. They were therefore registered in the dog registry and are currently being monitored by the veterinarians of the Avellino local health authority.”


The operations were carried out as part of the program “Terra del Fuego Action Day”, for some time in the area thanks to the synergy developed between the Metropolitan Police Command, the Prosecutor’s Offices and the Prefectures. It’s from surgery there was also a lack of permits to practice the profession and a large amount of untraceable waste was found deposited in the area, composed mostly of ferrous material. The owner was reported for unauthorized handling of hazardous waste, unauthorized discharge and uncontrolled storage of waste for which it was ordered confiscation, as well as criminal and administrative for the purposes of confiscation.

The inspection on January 10 was carried out on the same day that the new directives for the registration of dogs in the dog register entered into force in Campania. In an attempt to ensure greater traceability of dogs by local health authorities, the new guidelines actually limit the intervention of volunteers, those who are actually involved in the management of free and stray animals. In terms of wildlife, Act 157 of 1992 prohibits illegal hunting conducted with fixed gear and aimed at indiscriminate or mass capture of wild birds, as well as the taking of eggs, nests and fledglings, and the use of live bait for hunting.

This operation joins others carried out by the Metropolitan Police of Naples, which aim to stop the phenomenon of illegal detention of animals. For example, last October an anti-poaching operation took place between the municipalities of Acerra, Caivano and Afragola, during which a large amount of illegal material and equipment used for hunting was seized.

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