Frost in Warsaw: people queuing at the shed to keep animals warm

Cold wave with temperatures up at -20° which hit Warsaw, Poland seriously disturbing animal sheltersso much so that one of them, KTOZ, Krakowskie Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierztami, launched a desperate appeal for the population to offer shelter in their homes to the dogs present in their facilities, given that many of them they were kept in outdoor enclosures due to lack of space for everyone inside.

And unexpectedly, Operation Frost, as defined, citizens understood and welcomed them overwhelmingly: at the weekend, volunteers found themselves outside the gates of the shelter with a queue of people waiting in the freezing cold to take one of the animals in need home.

According to the Associated Press, about 300 dogs were at the shelter at the time of the weather warning, and thanks to the sensitivity of citizens who acted quickly, 120 of them found a warm place to wait for the temperatures to cool down a bit and thus be less dangerous, while leaving enough room in the shelter for the remaining animals.

“We are extremely grateful and touched – the volunteers who informed the news told the media – the City Police also came to manage the “transportation” of people outside the shelter, but it is nice that in the end the officers also took Mombaje back to their headquartersa very scared brown puppy.”

The shelter manager also wanted to clarify a very important element, namely that the animals, despite the state of emergency, they were not randomly assigned: «Despite being a temporary foster, we did our best to find the best matches between animals and people, so who knows, maybe some of them will find a permanent home. Let’s keep our fingers crossed because that’s obviously our big hope.”

Needless to say, the appeal was extremely successful, so much so that the shelter was able to suspend the search for its dogs and she was able to direct those who still wanted to help to contact other shelters local animals to help them if they find themselves in the same situation by offering a place for other poor animals to stay during the cold season.

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