If your ficus bonsai is losing leaves, do it immediately (even in winter)

Ficus is a beautiful indoor plant of tropical origin that will please many indoor plant growers. Not only is the ficus an air purifying plant, it comes in a variety of colors and sizes.

Although bonsai ficus It is undemanding houseplant care, has a habit of losing leaves. This is often a frightening event for both novice and experienced growers.

Remember that Ficus is an adaptive plant that will do anything to conserve energy and this often means losing leaves.

If your plant is losing leaves, here’s what to do.

The first thing you need to do is check the roots and re-acclimate him to the outdoors as soon as possible, even in winter. If possible, then cut it back, leaving at least 2-3 leaves on each branch you want to keep. However, if it is necessary to transplant, it is better to wait until it starts to grow again.

If there is a (sometimes very slight) change in light, temperature or watering, this species will leave its leaves are falling.

This is a survival mechanism in their natural habitat, they shed leaves to conserve water. Other elements to consider are:

  1. irrigation: if your Ficus is not getting enough water, it will start to lose its leaves. As the soil dries out, the plant begins to prepare for the dry season and responds to dry soil by shedding leaves to conserve energy. What to do: water more often
  2. root rot: Over-watering a Ficus is just as dangerous as watering too little. Ficus has delicate roots that do not respond well to standing water and will quickly develop root rot in these conditions. The first signs of root rot appear below the soil when the roots turn brown and become soft to the touch. What to do: The best way to save a Ficus from root rot is to quickly transplant it into new soil.
  3. insufficient light: Ficus is a tropical houseplant native to sunny places; if your Ficus is not exposed to enough sunlight, the leaves will begin to darken and fall off to conserve energy. What to do: Your Ficus will thrive in bright, indirect light throughout the day.
  4. seasonal changes: As the seasons change, your Ficus will respond to changes in light, temperature and humidity by dropping its leaves. This is a normal part of the plant’s life cycle and can be avoided by continuing to water the plant, heat the home and mist the plant to keep humidity at optimum levels.

However, if the plant loses its leaves, don’t worry because they will grow back in the spring.

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