Yellow flowers: 20 most beautiful varieties

Let’s look at the symbolic meaning of yellow flowers and discover together the 20 most fascinating varieties.

If yellow is one of the brightest and sunniest colors in existence, generally associated with good and therefore a symbol of light, hope and happiness, the success of yellow flowers, among the most popular and widespread of all, should not be surprising. with the concepts of joy, positivity and rebirth.

The yellow flowers can be of different shapes, sizes and scents, some are small and delicate, others are large and striking, some smell intensely, others gently. In short, these flowers can differ from each other in many aspects, while maintaining two main characteristics, namely the yellow color combined with the innate ability to cheer up the landscape, environment and social situations.

Widely prized and cultivated throughout the world in parks, gardens and flower beds, i.e yellow flowers they are widely used for the creation of bouquets and flower arrangements, as well as occupying a significant place in the cultural field with a large space between art and mythology.

Let’s take a closer look at the 20 most beautiful species and their meaning.

Yellow rose

yellow rose

Due to its bright yellow color, this variety is known as the “Tea Rose”. This elegant and refined rose stands out for its large and dense amber petals as well as its enveloping fragrance. In order for this floral beauty to thrive, it is essential to protect it from frost and provide it with maintenance pruning care during autumn and winter.




Perhaps the yellow flower par excellence, the one that always looks at the sun due to the so-called phototropism, the protagonist of Van Gogh’s famous painting.

Native to the Americas and introduced to Europe during the Renaissance, the sunflower is known for its beauty as well as its edible, nutrient-rich seeds.

The fragrance of sunflowers is very light, delicate and natural.



Starfish is a very common and easy-to-grow species, used on many terraces and gardens as an ornamental plant.

The yellow variant, present in many color shades, certainly stands out among the others: the yellow carnation suggests joy and happiness, but it can also be associated with feelings of envy, pain, sorrow and disappointment.

The scent of carnation is sweet and intense.




Originally from the southern continent and introduced to Europe during the nineteenth century, the mimosa is a symbol of spring and femininity, whose flag bearer is the day dedicated to Women’s Day on March 8.

Delicate and sensitive, but also strong and resistant at the same time, the mimosa is definitely one of the most representative yellow flowers in Italy and in the world.

The scent of mimosa is intense and floral.


yellow tulips

Originating from Asia Minor and deeply rooted in Turkish culture, for example, tulips are not native to Holland, although they have become its symbol since they were imported to the European country from Turkey during the 16th century.

Famous for their peculiar appearance and innate beauty, tulips are among the most represented flowers in painting and can be found in the paintings of famous artists such as Brueghel, Marrel, Monet and Picasso.

Friendship, affection and abandonment: the yellow tulip can represent all the nuances of love, including the fear of losing a loved one, which is why it is a flower that needs to be treated with some care.

Tulips have a very delicate scent, reminiscent of roses.



The chrysanthemum is a flower with a thousand forms, a symbol of joy, happiness and hope, but also of death and sorrow.

In Italy, the chrysanthemum is the floral symbol of the Day of the Dead, which is celebrated on November 2, while in other countries it has a completely different meaning: if you want to know more, read our detailed analysis of the chrysanthemum legend.

Chrysanthemum has a strong and particularly aromatic scent.



It comes from the Mediterranean region and has been cultivated since ancient times. The hyacinth plant is very popular today in Europe and around the world.

It occurs in different color variations in nature, including yellow, which symbolizes jealousy and fear of abandonment (an element that can also be found in the mythology associated with the hyacinth flower).

The scent of hyacinth is soft and pleasant, but also quite persistent.




Calendula is a plant with beautiful flowers in the range of colors between yellow and orange, which is able to aesthetically enrich any environment, both indoor and outdoor.

In addition, marigold has various beneficial properties that make it a truly useful and essential element for our homes.

Calendula has a fresh and delicate scent, capable of evoking images associated with spring and the moment of blossoming.



The gerbera is a plant with many origins, it is naturally found in Africa, Asia and South America and was introduced to Europe in the 19th century: it is an aesthetically pleasing plant that is therefore widely used as an interior decoration.

The yellow gerbera brings well-being (it produces a lot of oxygen, it is a plant that cleans the surrounding air), symbolizes joy and positivity and generally expresses appreciation and gratitude: it is truly the perfect gift to express respect and affection for a loved one.

The scent of gerbera is fresh and delicate.


yellow poppy

Growing spontaneously in Europe, Asia and Africa, the poppy is a relatively easy plant to grow and comes in a variety of colors including red, pink, purple and yellow.

For cultivation, we recommend a position in full sun for about 5 hours a day, light soil with good drainage and rich in gravel and sand, and regular but not excessive watering.

The yellow poppy represents wealth, success and good wishes, making it an appropriate choice to celebrate goals and objectives achieved

Interesting fact: the birth of the poppy is connected with an ancient Greek myth.



The narcissus, which originates from the Mediterranean countries and subsequently reached America and Asia, is known for the beauty of its blooms, a factor that makes it particularly valued for celebrating special occasions such as anniversaries, weddings and birthdays.

Also associated with Greek mythology, the narcissus can represent trust, vanity and much more…

The scent of narcissus is pleasant and floral, with hints of musk and lemon.


yellow dahlia

The dahlia is an ornamental plant of Mexican origin with intensely fragrant and brightly colored flowers dominated by shades of yellow and red. However, there are also varieties of dahlias with white, orange, pink, purple or polychrome shades.

This plant belonging to the Dahlia genus includes over 30 species and more than 20,000 varieties that vary greatly in size. Dwarf varieties reach 25 to 35 cm, ideal for growing in pots and decorating balconies or terraces. Medium-sized dahlias alternate, while giant dahlias can reach heights of up to 2 meters and present impressive blooms.

Beginning in summer and continuing into fall, dahlias add a lively and picturesque touch to any garden or outdoor space.

In the language of flowers, the dahlia symbolizes elegance and gratitude, but it also embodies admiration and femininity. The dahlia, often exchanged between lovers, becomes a harbinger, an expectation of a future declaration of love, creating a romantic and significant bond between the giver and the recipient.

Yellow poinsettia

Poinsettia, also known as poinsettia, is an iconic ornamental plant associated with the winter holidays. His variety ‘Golden Glo’ is a surprisingly vivid canary yellow with nothing artificial about it. A unique choice that will add a bright and unexpected touch to traditional Christmas decorations.

Yellow primrose

primrose yellow

The primrose owes its name to the Latin “primus”, which underlines its precocity in flowering, which appears immediately after the snow has subsided, when grass begins to appear in the meadows. This flower has been blooming since the end of winter and with its delicate beauty announces the approaching arrival of spring.

With its subtle beauty, it becomes a symbol of good omen, ideal for those who are about to start a new project, celebrate a birth in the family or simply want to celebrate vitality and youth.



Native to America, Zinnia is a plant notable for its variegated daisy flowers that range from red to purple to yellow.

Prized for its ease of cultivation and longevity of flowering, the zinnia has become a symbol of joy and prosperity in the language of flowers, symbolizing vitality and positive energy. Often associated with lasting friendship and perseverance, this colorful flower conveys a message of joy and affection.



Belonging to the Viola family, the pansy has ancient roots in Greek and Roman culture, where it was associated with the symbolism of thought and reflection. This graceful flower with its delicate colors represents humility and modesty, while its scientific name Viola tricolor refers to the triad of virtues it embodies: love, thought and humility.


The yellow crocus from the mountain regions of Asia and the Mediterranean is a small but bright spring flower. A symbol of rebirth and joy, its bright color represents optimism and happiness, spreading a touch of warmth and vitality to gardens and lawns at the start of the season.



Daylily, commonly known as daylily, is a perennial characterized by spectacular flowers that bloom and open every day. Prized for its hardiness and color variety, this plant adds a lively touch to gardens and offers a range of flowers that will bring beauty to any summer day. A symbol of rebirth and renewal, its habit of blooming daily represents the fleeting nature of life and the beauty in enjoying each moment, conveying a message of gratitude for a brief but intense bloom.



Thunbergia, native to tropical Africa and also known as “black-eyed allamanda” or black-eyed Susan, is a climbing plant prized for its brightly colored trumpet-shaped flowers. This exotic plant evokes a sense of cheerfulness and prosperity, symbolically embodying vitality and exuberant growth, making it a popular choice in gardens as an expression of positive energy.

Yellow iris

yellow iris

The iris belonging to the family Iridaceae has its origin in Northern Europe. Its name comes from the Greek word ‘iris’, which means rainbow, attributed to Theophrastus and subsequently retained by Linnaeus. This flower, in addition to attracting attention with its beauty, also retains a poetic meaning reminiscent of the image of a rainbow.

In addition to being a flower of extraordinary beauty, it is often associated with deep symbolism. It usually represents the connection between heaven and earth, embodying messages of hope, wisdom and divine promises. Its color variability and timeless elegance contribute to giving this flower a poetic and spiritual meaning.

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