Long hunting season in Basilicata: associations arise

It was decided by the Regional Council of Basilicata extend the hunting season for hunting thrushes AND woodcocks until January 31, which gives an opportunity to shoot birds again.

Animal rights and environmental associations ENPA, LAC, LAV, LEGAMBIENTE, LIPU BIRDLIFE ITALIA, LNDC and WWF they protested and stated their reasons in a complaint addressed to Europe: “Immediately a new complaint to Europe, as well as the appeal and evaluation of the claim for damages to the officials. Gift Time for Hunters is Over”.

The associations accused the Basilicata region of ignoring and violating scientific guidelines aimed at preserving biodiversity. In particular, it refers toISPRA, the national authority responsible for the study of hunting calendars based on the protection of various species. He clearly recommended refraining from shooting during prenuptial migration, when birds travel long distances to reach destinations with a more favorable climate.

The accusations of the associations are very strong: “Instead, the Basilicata region, probably hoping to collect some votes with regard to the next regional elections, culpably ignored the indications of the scientific world by giving in to the demands of the hunting lobbies, allowing the extension of the hunting of thrushes and woodcocks, openly breached the provisions of the Birds Directive, all this at a time when Italy is under special surveillance by the European Commission precisely because of multiple and persistent violations of hunting rules. We remind you that in the letter launching the pilot procedure last July, the Commission emphasized that the concession to hunt during the period of pre-nuptial migration, explicitly citing the end date planned for January 31, is not in accordance with the dictates of the birds. Guideline”.

Currently, animal and environmental associations, in addition to filing a complaint against the regional council’s decision, hope that other Italian regions will not repeat the approach taken by Basilicata. Especially Puglia region is in the spotlight as activists say it appears to be considering extending the hunting ban while still allowing hunters to target numerous wildlife.

“Essentially, we are faced with a shameful act of extreme gravity, which makes fun of the law, rules and institutions, but at the same time represents an objective and irreparable damage to this inaccessible heritage of the community represented by wild animals,” the associations concluded.

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