Nino Frassica will be investigated for the affair of the cat Hiro, who disappeared in Spoleto

It is enriched with a new detail a story about the cat Hiro, the cat of the Frassica family, who disappeared and was never found again when the famous actor temporarily settled in Spoleto for the filming of the fiction Don Matteo. According to what has been learned in the last hours, the comedian is being investigated by the public prosecutor’s office of the city of Umbria. aggravated defamation, stalking and incitement to commit crimes at the expense of the neighbors.

The condition is necessary because the public prosecutor in Spoleto, contacted by Ansa regarding the opening of a new file to be added to another complaint addressed only to Mrs. Exignotis, the comedian’s wife and her daughter from another neighboring family, did not want to provide any confirmation, explaining that ” investigations are underway”.

History Sacred Burma Hiro who died at the beginning of October in Spoleto, where the actor and his wife were temporarily hosted for the filming of the new season of the fiction Don Matteo, occupied the pages of newspapers not only for the public’s affection for the comedian, but also for the peculiarity of the story. It was Frassica’s wife who became the focus of what immediately turned out to be true fiction. On social networks, from the first day of the disappearance, she began to accuse her neighbor of treating the cat badly and of being the cause of its estrangement.

A story full of twists worthy of a real mystery: rewards given and taken away, molecular dogs, accusations that were ambiguous at first and then increasingly clear until the bomb was dropped, always via Instagram, where the family always spoke from, that is Hiro would be kept in a house right in Spoleto by serial hoarders. An accusation too strong not to trigger official documents that further clarified the contours of the story, which has now even reached the level of criminal law. But above all, not achieving a really important goal: and that is to know what happened to Hiro, if the cat is well and if he has a good life.

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