Smart work mockery: ‘Fewer promotions for telecommuters’

MILAN – From the celebration of clever work to ridicule, the step was too short. Long shadows about remote work appear in the numbers presented a few days ago The Wall Street Journal and which describe a kind of handicap that affects domestic workers: they are promoted much less than their colleagues who are present in the office. It raises the suspicion that by a specific agenda or “natural” inclination of leaders, by staying away from the heart of the corporate organization, we fall into the cone of shadow.


The financial community newspaper in New York cites a survey by Live Data Technologies of 2 million white-collar workers: according to the company specializing in data from the world of work, remote workers were promoted less often in the last year. by 31% compared to those who worked full-time or hybrid office jobs. There is also a wider gap in evidence in terms of ‘mentoring’ and a gap that penalizes women more. Specifically, those who worked in an office full-time—or at least in a “hybrid” format that alternates between home and presence—were promoted 5.9% of the time. For those who relied on “remote”, their position improved only in 3.9 cases out of a hundred.

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Stanford economist Nick Bloom calls this trend “proximity bias.” And he adds, “I literally call it discrimination.” And it’s not a phenomenon affecting just a few people: unlike what’s happening here, the Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics estimate that in December there are 20% of American workers — who have attended at least some college — who are completely they rely on the controller”.

Managers, on the other hand, seem to frankly admit their preference. Nine out of ten respondents said that if a task that is considered more prestigious, but also a promotion and a promotion, is to be given, employees who “make an effort” to come to the office are preferred.

Of course, Ws it also recounts individual experiences and studies that have confirmed how domestic workers are inevitably “more isolated”. The lack of dialogue with colleagues deprives one of knowledge transfer between more and less experts, just as one deprives oneself of the possibility of receiving immediate, even informal, feedback on one’s work. The fact is, we understand why even big innovative companies, from Meta to Google, have long demanded a growing presence in the office.

Looking at the glass half full, as Professor Bloom does, it must be said that at least there do not seem to be any differences between the face-to-face and the “hybrid” method of work. For those who fully embrace remote control, the joke is that the time gained turns into (missed) money at the end of the month.

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