Artificial intelligence will affect 40% of jobs

Wired Italia

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been investigating what that might be the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the global labor marketachieving results”impressive” and from the point of view replacement of some jobs on the side of technology and on the side of that integration with human work. As reported Sun 24 hoursthe study … Read more

We went to the largest wind farm in the Mediterranean

Wired Italia

Beleolico plant – Photo: Renexia spa Artificial intelligence adjusts the movement of the blades based on the wind, but control remains in human hands. In fact, the dashboard monitors the operation of all components of the park, such as wind speed, to orient the turbines depending on the intensity of the air flow. The control … Read more

Who wants to open supermarkets without cash registers in Italy

Wired Italia

Unless we are definitively on a path that will lead us to tell goodbye to supermarket queues, we’re almost there. After all, as he writes Republicmore and more chains aim to open within the next year supermarkets without checkouts (also called “checkoutless”). This innovation, originally introduced by Amazon with the creation of a chain of … Read more

Dubai is becoming a dystopian postcard of our future

Wired Italia

Dubai – How they are made cities and society of the future? An example is less far-fetched than one might imagine and it is futuristic but also dystopian. AND Dubai, the capital of one of the United Arab Emirateswhich lives projected into the future by huge investments in infrastructure and technology, but at the same … Read more