The death of Aron: the municipality of the city of Palermo is ready to become a civil party in the process

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Aaron, the dog, which was burned by his contact person a few days ago in Palermo, died in the clinic, where he had been hospitalized in a serious condition since January 9. A few hours after his death the mayor of Palermo, Roberto La Galladeclared that a Magistrate would be established civil party.

The Lava Animal Rights Association asked him, the mayor, to issue an ordinance banning the person responsible for the crime from keeping other animals, as well as to ensure his mental state is evaluated in order to protect public safety.

“The hope of these days was extinguished tonight by the terrible news of the death of Aron, the dog burned alive last Tuesday. There are no words to describe the totally insane gesture caused by a single person, if not to express full condemnation and absolute intolerance of any mistreatment of an animal. For these reasons, The village is ready to create a civil party in this dramatic story. Thanks to the actions of activists and associations, the sensitivity towards animals today is different than in the past, and I want to highlight the commitment of those who did their best to save and care for Aron, examples that institutions should keep in mind and continue their efforts to protect animals, La Galla declared.

Meanwhile, it will take place in Palermo in the next few hours speech which will be held in Via delle Croci, organized by some animal protectionists and citizens, to express the anger and pain at the cruel death of Aron and to ask the institutions to intervene more effectively and quickly in the prevention of similar crimes. And tomorrow afternoon, still in Palermo, but in via Catania in front of the Zarcone clinic, Lav volunteers will join other citizens to remember Aron torchlight procession. “It will be a moment of remembrance in memory of Aron and all the victims of the human hand who still have no justice. Everyone brings a candle. We are waiting for you, thank you.”

Poor Aron lost his life to kidney failure which turned fatal. In fact, the kidneys were the organs that suffered the most damage, leaving little reserve for survival. The torture inflicted on Aron caused further damage 80% of severe burns all over the body, and through three days of life-and-death struggle, his heart stopped beating forever at night.

His killer was tracked down by the police a few days ago, but he was immediately released as required by law. Now all over Italy, not only activists but many people are asking justice for Aaron and for all the animal victims of human cruelty.

It is urgent that the institutions act to ensure a law that protects animals from such acts of violence. The community of Palermo joins the call from all over Italy to ask out loud radical and effective change in animal protection laws, so that similar events never happen again.

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