The mystery of Mark Zuckerberg’s (probable) bunker in Hawaii

Called by the local community as an example of new colonialism Mark Zuckerberg’s residential project in Hawaii continues to be debated. The property, which Meta’s CEO is slowly expanding and delineating on the more than 1,500 acres of land purchased in 2014 on the island of Kauai, will now be affected by an underground construction site under constant construction to acquire what can be and a huge bunker.

An investigation conducted by the company Wired in fact, it tells of the constant arrival and departure of pick-up trucks full of construction materials and useful for the hundreds of workers who consume the entrance (and exit) of the estate the founder of Facebook hidden in the tropical landscape by a curtain of bricks almost 2 meters high – much discussed in the design phase due to its inconvenient dimensions. “No one working on this project can talk about what they’re building. Almost everyone who passes the site’s security checks, from carpenters to electricians, from painters to security guards, is bound by a strict non-disclosure agreement,” says yes. in the article. “The property known as Koolau Ranchaccording to planning documents it will include a underground shelter 5,000 square feet, it will have its own energy and food supplies and, combined with land prices, will cost more than $270 million.

Organized as an underground city, mysterious bunker from Zuckerberg it would look like a self-contained complex supported by an independent water system based on a water reservoir over 16 meters in diameter. Controlled by a sophisticated camera system, the American businessman’s secret rooms would have 30 bedrooms and as many bathrooms in a subterranean structure spread over the floors of a dozen buildings, according to property records consulted. An apocalypse-proof destination.

The digital editor of Elle Decor Italia, she studied humanistic informatics to eliminate numbers from her life once and for all. In fact, he preferred the words of everyday life to the codes of web programming, adopting the vocabulary of the aesthetics we wear and the places we inhabit. Genoese by birth but Milanese by choice, she explores the verb of fashion and design in the space between Instagram feed and antique market. On Fridays with the Design Gallery of the week, he enjoys synthesizing current events and inspiration into a story through images that range from product design to ready-to-wear. You can find her on Instagram as @isabellaprisco.

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