All about growing absinthe

Wormwood plantscientifically known as Artemisia absinthiumcomes from temperate regionsEurope, Asia and North Africa. It is a perennial plant belonging to the family Asteraceae. Absinthe is also known for its role in the production of an alcoholic drink called absinthe or “green fairy”. In the 18th and 19th century, absinthe was a common ingredient in several varieties aperitifs and liqueurs, but was later banned in many countries due to its alleged toxic properties due to the presence thujone, a psychoactive chemical compound. Today, absinthe is still cultivated and used for ornamental purposes, and in some cases also for the production of liqueurs.

How to grow a wormwood plant

Growing a wormwood plant requires little care but it is important to take into account its characteristics and the specific needs of each variety.

  • Location selection: Wormwood thrives in a sunny location with well-drained, moderately fertile soil.
  • Soil preparation: Before planting sagebrush, you need to prepare the soil by removing weeds or dirt. If the soil is too clayey, it can be improved by adding sand.
  • Sowing: You can grow wormwood from seeds or use young plants purchased from a nursery. Sowing wormwood seeds can be done in early spring or autumn by scattering the seeds on the surface of the soil and lightly covering them with a thin layer of soil.
  • Planting distance: If you want to grow more mugwort plants, you need to make sure you leave enough space between plants, usually 30-45cm, to allow for full leaf growth.
  • Irrigation: Wormwood is a drought tolerant plant and only needs water when the soil is very dry.
  • Collection: eventually the leaves can be harvested, but only when the plant has reached sufficient size, usually several months after sowing.

Characteristics of the wormwood plant

Wormwood plant it is a plant loved also for its ornamental beauty given some properties that make it really interesting.

  • Silver Leaves: the wormwood plant has silvery leaves that are long and thin, similar to spears. The leaves are feather-like and have oblong segments arranged along the stem. Thanks to this distinctive feature of the leaves, wormwood is easily recognizable among other plants.
  • Bitter smell and taste: Wormwood is known for its strong aroma and bitter taste. Absinthe leaves and flowers contain essential oils, including thujone, which give the plant its characteristic bitter and aromatic taste that has made it famous in the alcohol world.
  • Medicinal and traditional properties: it is a plant that has a long history of use for medicinal and traditional purposes. It is used for its supposed digestive, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

It is important to note that absinthe is a plant that contains chemical compounds potentially dangerous; therefore, it is advisable to use absinthe with caution and to consult an expert or health practitioner before using it for medicinal or culinary purposes. Furthermore, in some regions the cultivation and use of absinthe may be subject to legal restrictions, it is important to be very well informed before growing or using it.

(photo: Timon Studler/Unsplash)

Wormwood plant: care tips

That can happen Wormwood plant is infested with parasites shows signs bad healththere are some actions that can be useful when trying to cure it.

  • Checking environmental conditions: you need to check that the plant is getting the right amount of sunlight. Wormwood prefers sunlight, so make sure it is placed in a sunny location.
  • Pruning: if the plant has dry or damaged branches, they can be trimmed with clean garden shears. Pruning will help stimulate the growth of new, healthy branches.
  • Elimination of pests and diseases: it is always a good idea to check the plant carefully for signs of parasites or disease. If scale insects, mealybugs or other parasites are spotted, it is best to remove them by hand or treat the plant with natural or approved pest control products.
  • Light fertilization: Wormwood does not require a lot of fertilizer, but a small amount of slow release fertilizer can be applied during the growing season to provide the plant with the nutrients it needs.

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