Twenty caged cats discovered on the heights of Imperia: Forest Carabinieri investigate

Caged cats in Moltedo

Saved thanks to the watchful eye and civic sense of a pair of Spanish tourists. It was actually just because of their calling about twenty cats they were saved from the situation of extreme degradation in which they were kept in the countryside Moltedo, on the heights of Imperia, in Liguria. Calling 911 was essential to ensure an immediate report was sent to zookeepers at the hospital.Kronos Academy Diana Bay.

Volunteers found a borderline situation on the property: there were cats, adults and kittens locked in a cage, practically left to themselves and with limited space to say the least. Kronos Academy staff therefore requested the intervention of veterinarians Asl1 and the gods Forest carabinieri. After the initial inspection, which was also useful for visiting the cats and checking their health, the health workers appeared on the property a second time to make an accurate count and understand how to deal with the situation. It turned out that only two were microchipped, while the others had cropped ears, which is typical of colony cats.


Some developed problems due to viral diseases, others were taken to a nearby veterinary clinic in need of treatment. Unfortunately, one died. It remains to be understood why such a large number of sterilized cats ended up all in the same country and especially in these conditions. Asl1 then contacted the Forestry Carabinieri and also activated cat colony managers in the nearby villages of Moltedo and Montegrazie to verify maybe the disappearance of catsand the investigation will continue over the next few days to try to reconstruct what happened. The owner of the land faces a lawsuit for mistreatment.

Unfortunately, Molteda’s case reminds us of several other situations that required the intervention of authorities and associations due to the deteriorating conditions in which the animals were kept. At the latest that of Acqui Terme, where the International Organization for Animal Protection intervened to rescue three severely malnourished dogs and a rabbit kept in cages in extreme conditions. The owner of the land was reported for abuse and the dogs were entrusted to the Acqui Terme municipal kennel.

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