Two wild animals died of tick-borne meningoencephalitis in Lombardy

Two wild animals, chamois and deerthey died because of Tick-borne meningoencephalitis, Tick-borne encephalitis, an acute viral disease of the central nervous system, caused by a virus very similar to the viruses responsible for yellow fever and dengue fever. This is happening in Lombardy, more precisely in the lower Valvarrone in the province of Lecco: a chamois was found already dead in Artesso di Sueglio, while a deer was found along the provincial road of Valvarrone staggering and unable to walk. The animal survived as far as Cras of Calolziocorte, but died once there.

Before these cases, no positivity of this virus had ever been detected in Lombardy, only some signs of possible circulation were found this summer in the province of Bergamo, but never confirmed. Concerns are spreading above all Forbecause the disease it can also infect humans: transmission occurs, as in animals, primarily through tick bites, but also through the consumption of contaminated and unheated goat’s milk cheeses.

In both wild and domestic animals that have been clinically examined, the disease presents with neurological symptoms such as convulsions and paralysis. However, within 10 days the symptoms will subside in most animals. As for treatment, there is no vaccine for veterinary use, but 4 different ones are available for humans.

Ats Brianza, the veterinary veterinary department that controls the territory of the province of Lecco, she shared some recommendations especially for those who work in mountain environments and the general population that visit these places, including the use of tick repellants, of course long sleeves and trousers, checking for ticks at the end of your activities. However, if its presence is detected, it is recommended to contact your doctor for proper removal of the parasite and delivery to the ATS headquarters – Veterinary Departmentfor analyzes and research of the etiological agent.

TBE is not the only tick-borne zoonosis: these animals can also transmit other pathogens to humans, such as those responsible for rickettsiosis, Mediterranean button fever and Lyme disease, the most well-known tick-related disease that also affects domestic animals such as dogs and cats. The most common symptom of the disease is arthritis, which is manifested by sudden lameness, pain and sometimes swelling of one or more joints. Other symptoms that can be seen are fever, dehydration, lethargy and swollen lymph nodes. In severe cases, the infection can cause nephritis and fatal kidney failure, although this is not common in dogs.

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