Urban dating apps come to Japan to tackle fertility crisis

citizens, get engaged. This is the message the Japanese authorities want to convey to their citizens. To face declining birthrate in Japanadministration municipalities of Tokyo and Kyoto are taking innovative approaches to encourage couple formation and increase the number of marriages in the Asian country. Using dating apps and virtual events in the metaverse emerges as a creative and modern solution to address the demographic challenge throughout Japan with the peculiarity that in this case it can be said that action instead of Cupid how to stand

Fewer weddings in Japan

In recent decades, Japan has faced constant decline in the birth ratewith significant implications for social and economic dynamics. The number of relationships also decreased. Official population figures show 504,930 marriages nationwide in 2022, a drop of about half from 1972. According to Japan’s National Institute for Population and Welfare Research, in 2020 Tokyo had the percentage of people who have never married higher than any other city in the country: 32.15% of men and 23.79% of women. The capital hopes to reduce those numbers by offering singles a new way to meet potential partners. Aware of the importance of reversing this trend, Tokyo City Hall is experimenting with new approaches to encourage romantic encounters and permanent relations between residents.

In 2024 Tokyo launches the app matchmaking, managed by a private company, which can be used by both residents and those who work or study in the capital. Official service date someone will require documentation from users’ hometowns to prove they are not married. Authorities hope this process will be long discourage cheaters and those who are already married from login. The organization partnered with a Japanese dating app to implement the program. In addition, the same organization will launch a public campaign aimed at indicating proper behavior in the application to prevent misuse and inappropriate messages.

Virtual love events in the metaverse

Another innovative tactic is the organization of virtual events in meta version. Japanese institutions are working with virtual platforms to create interactive environments where citizens can meet, socialize and even participate in simulated couple activities. These actions are intended encourage bond building emotional, allows people to connect authentically, despite physical distance. PUSH Miyazaki City has partnered with Eureka, the company that owns a local dating app called Pairs. As part of this cooperation, the city will organize seminars on the use of pairs and distribution coupon for his paid service. Similar agreements have been made by Eureka in other locations.

At the same time, he explores the city of Kyoto meta version, which is becoming an increasingly popular way for singles to find companionship without having to physically meet. In November, Kyoto hosted its first matchmaking event in virtual reality as part of a support program for those moving to the city. The event was created in collaboration with Memoria VR, a Tokyo-based startup specializing in virtual dating services. About 25 men and 10 women signed up, half of whom came from outside Kyoto. Ten participants were selected at random, resulting in four new pairs at the end of the event. The participants expressed their satisfaction with the experience, saying that they managed to get to know people without prejudice and that they were able to sense the interest of their partners through the virtual avatars. These couples will continue to participate in others virtual meetings to Memory. Kyoto is considering holding more events based on the positive feedback received. Preliminary results indicate that these initiatives are succeeding, with an increase in the number of couples meeting through dating apps and attending virtual events in the metaverse. However, I will be needed do more research to evaluate the long-term impact of these strategies on the birth rate and social structure of the communities involved.

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