What do parakeets eat?

THE parakeets they eat a large variety of foods and have a varied diet that can vary greatly depending on the species and the environment in which they live. In nature, the diet of parakeets – a general term used to describe many different species of small birds – is closely related to their geographic regionwhile some species feed primarily fruits, seeds, flowers or even insects and nuts. However, even though they are in our homes, their nutrition is just as important to ensure their health and vitality.

What should parakeets eat?

As mentioned above, these animals prefer various meals depending on their habitat and the resources available in their geographical area of ​​origin. Species from tropical areas, such as conuresthey live primarily fruits, nuts and berrieswhile Australian parakeets, like kakarikithey prefer seeds, flowers and fresh fruit.

This diversity of diet is necessary to meet the complex nutritional needs of different species. If you want to ensure a healthy diet at home, it is necessary to replicate this variety. A solid foundation can be made up of a seed mix high quality accompanied by an ingredient fresh fruits and vegetables.

Foods to choose and avoid


Ensuring a healthy diet and the right amount of nutrients is essential to the care of parakeets. We strongly recommendthe use of sunflower seeds, hemp, millet and other cereals, which provide a source of healthy fats and proteins. Fresh fruit, e.g apples, bananas and berriesit adds essential vitamins to their diet, while they like vegetables carrot, spinach and bell pepper offers other key nutrients.

In addition, you could rely on pellets especially for parrots, as it is recommended to guarantee a balanced intake of essential nutrients. These pellets are formulated to provide a balanced mix of protein, vitamins and minerals to help prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Avoiding harmful foods is just as important as providing nutritious foods. Food advertising high fat contentsuch as chocolate or high-fat foods salt, can cause health problems. They should also be avoided toxic foods for birds, such as avocados, which can be harmful to their digestive system. Foodstuffs treated with pesticides or preservatives they should also be excluded from the diet.

Food served in small amounts

  • Dried Fruit: serve occasionally in small portions to avoid excessive fat intake.
  • Oil seeds: Again, moderation is key due to the high calorie content.
  • Fruits with a high sugar content: serve sparingly to avoid excess sugar in the diet.
  • Occasional refreshments: Some commercially available prepared parrot snacks can be given in small amounts as an occasional change.

Definitely avoid toxic foods

  • Avocado: contains a toxin called “persina”, harmless to humans, but potentially fatal to parrots
  • stones and some fruit seeds: the seeds/pits of cherries, plums, apricots and peaches contain cyanide and are therefore toxic.
  • Coffee: any caffeinated drink is potentially toxic for parrots because it can cause cardiac arrhythmia and other more serious problems.
  • Chocolate: like caffeine, it is a food not given to parrots. It can cause intestinal and heart problems. It contains a compound called theobromineharmful even in small quantities to parrots.
  • Crackers, chips, salty foods: any salty food can cause long-term kidney problems, dehydration and excessive thirst.
  • Potatoes and Eggplant: contain solanine which can cause gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. Next, solanine it is also contained in peppers (in high concentrations in the “green” ones) in these cases it is necessary to ensure these heat-treated foods, e.g. never raw to the parrots.

What fruits do parakeets eat?

Budgies love a lot variety of fruits in their diet, which not only nourishes them, but keeps them hydrated and allows them to obtain essential nutrients for physical well-being. Safe and healthy fruit options for budgies include:

  • apples: Cut into pieces, apples are an excellent source of fiber and nutrients.
  • bananas: Potassium-rich bananas are loved by parakeets for their sweetness.
  • Grape: Offer small grapes, a tasty source of energy.
  • Cherries: Remove the seeds and offer ripe cherries for a fruity treat.
  • Kiwi: Kiwi, rich in vitamin C, can be served in pieces.
  • Strawberries: Strawberries, tasty and full of antioxidants, will be appreciated by parakeets.
  • Mango: Provide chunks of ripe mango for a sweet, juicy treat.
  • Pear: Cut pears are a source of hydration and fiber.
  • Papaya: Due to its digestive properties, papaya can be offered in small quantities.
  • Peaches and nectarines: Remove the stone and offer this sweet, juicy fruit.

Before offering it to your budgies, it is advisable to wash the fruits well and remove the seeds or any harmful parts.

What vegetables can they eat?

Vegetables are a source essential vitamins and minerals. Some examples of safe and nutritious vegetables are:

  • Spinach: Rich in iron and calcium, they can be offered raw or cooked.
  • Carrots: A source of vitamin A, they are crunchy and good for the eyes.
  • Broccoli: They are full of antioxidants and offer a range of essential nutrients.
  • zucchini: They are easy to digest, provide fiber and vitamin C.
  • cucumbers: Refreshing and hydrating, parakeets will appreciate them.
  • Cabbage: Nutritious and rich in fiber
  • Asparagus: They offer fiber and vitamins, contribute to the diversity of the diet.
  • Beet: Due to the high amount of iron, they are beneficial for the health of the blood

What seeds do parakeets eat?

Seeds are an essential part of budgies’ diet, they provide them important nutrients, but you still need to know how to dose them. Recommended are:

  • Sunflower seeds: Rich in healthy fats
  • Pumpkin seeds: A source of protein and fiber
  • Hemp seeds: They contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that support healthy skin and feathers.
  • Sesame seeds: They are rich in calcium, beneficial for bones.
  • Watermelon seeds: Source of vitamins and moisturizing substances
  • Pine nuts: Nutritious and tasty pine nut seeds are enjoyed by many parakeets.
  • Oat seeds: They offer fiber and are easily digestible, making them a good source of energy.

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