Wolf psychosis in the Bolognese countryside. Mayor: “Let’s use common sense and calm down”

That fake news AND false alarms we also have very serious implications for the already delicate and complex topic of wildlife management, which is now well known and widely discussed by practitioners. Recently, however, the administrator, specifically the mayor of the city, commented on the topic Anzolaa village in the province of Bologna that decided to clarify the presence wolves in the countryside and on predation of other animals. Specifically horses.

In recent days, there have been alarms on social networks about the presence of predators on rural roads around Anzola and the owners of historic Orsi Mangelli stable they woke up on January 11 to find him in the ground three foals killed, evidently the prey of wolves. And while the incident predictably and legitimately caused alarm among animal keepers, the alarms raised via social media about potential attacks against humans and children seemed to have little merit. So much so that Mayor Veronesi decided to avoid psychosis always intervene via social media with an open letter addressed to his fellow citizens.

“In recent days, reports of wolves in the countryside between Anzola dell’Emilia and Zola Predosa have become increasingly urgent, and there are also reports from the Casetti and Paltrone area, which I received directly from a friend and fellow citizen. who placed special camera traps to document the passage of wolves on his property – explains Veronesi – A situation originally created on the basis of a true fact, then it degenerated and became almost a “fairy tale”».

The real fact, as the mayor reminds us, is the predation of foals on the Orsi Mangelli farm: «It should not be underestimated, because it is a very significant damage, especially for breeders, economic and otherwise – he emphasized – After this attack, a person was reported on Facebook who, although I believe he was absolutely in good faith, perhaps he could have expressed himself better, and unfortunately caused a general panic. First, the presence of a photographed wolf was actually reported in the bed of the Via Baiesi river and later even near the Rodari nest. In reality, however, they turned out to be wolves in both cases the same dog ran away from its owner».

The mayor then clarified that the municipality does not have the authority to deal with wolves, neither in private areas (such as the one on which the stable is located) nor in public areas, at least in terms of containment. And he took the opportunity to remember that «The wolf is an absolutely protected specieseven at the European level, which therefore cannot be demolished unless there are precise and strict conditions, and only the authorities responsible for specimens considered “problematic” (and here it is sufficient to recall that there are no exceptional measures in Italy)”.

With a view to restoring calm among the citizens of the area, Veronesi then added that “having said that wolves are predatory animals, their hunting is mostly nocturnal, so during the day, especially in urbanized areas, it is highly unlikely that you will encounter them” and that “just as we prefer to avoid wolves, wolves themselves very much like to avoid us, so it is more than ever a direct daily encounter is unlikely with the wolf.”

The mayor therefore wanted to provide advice by questioning «the meaning of the goods” and advises “k avoid night walks in the countryside between Anzola dell’Emilia and Zola Predosa. For those who own animals and are in the countryside between Anzola and Zola Predosa, the advice is not to let them out at night (or at least use a lead) or in the case of farm animals, hospitalize him safely (and on closer examination, this second concept also applies regardless of the presence or absence of wolves). Finally, avoid leaving food of any kind in ‘open’ and accessible places.”

Common sense advice, as already mentioned, that wildlife experts, especially wolves, have long kept in mind in trying to arrive at peaceful coexistence with these predators returning to populate the peninsula for several years after they had was in danger of disappearing completely. Alarmism and unsubstantiated reports therefore end up being extremely harmful, fueling prejudice against these animals and also risking collateral damage: the psychosis could lead, as it has already, to people picking up rifles and shooting. secondary victims also among dogs.

“If I may, one last piece of common advice: can we all calm down a lot? – concludes Mayor Anzola – Wolves don’t actually eat children, but children (fortunately not all) watch Facebook or listen carefully (all) to what they hear at home: keep saying and writing objectively exaggerated things for screaming metaphorically “good luck!” Good luck!” it will only scare the little ones and cause fear in people, even if they are adults, but more susceptible to suggestion (including the elderly). We try to give the events that happened a real dimension and an objective scope, we try to experience them with a greater consciousness: for example, it is more likely to be attacked by a shark when entering the sea than by a wolf in its territory. residence. I repeat: let us not underestimate the death of some foals and express full solidarity with those who suffered this painful event: however, having said this, at the same time let’s try not to paint people with improbable death scenarios.”

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