10 words of the economy of 2024

10 words of the economy of 2024

After years on the rise, Inflation is to decline in 2024 and with it the interest rates that the central banks have raised to record levels in recent months. But the descent will not be as fast as the ascent, with some threatening effects on the performance of the economy global. One of the risks … Read more

Yellow flowers: 20 most beautiful varieties

fiori gialli

Let’s look at the symbolic meaning of yellow flowers and discover together the 20 most fascinating varieties. If yellow is one of the brightest and sunniest colors in existence, generally associated with good and therefore a symbol of light, hope and happiness, the success of yellow flowers, among the most popular and widespread of all, … Read more

Olive bonsai: everything you need to know

Olive bonsai: everything you need to know

Between varieties olive trees known, it is possible to distinguishcultivated olive tree andwild olive tree, also called olive, characterized by smaller dimensions. Both of these plants belong to the Olea genus and belong to the Oleaceae family. The olive bonsai is one of plant most fascinating in the bonsai world. With his leaves silver a … Read more