How to have lots of fireflies in your garden: what gardeners do to attract these wonderful insects

Thanks to their beautiful natural light, fireflies are a sight to behold – here’s how to attract them

The fireflies they are very charming little animals. They illuminate summer nights with their enchanting light and offer a unique and spectacular sight. Although it’s still only winter, knowing the tricks to attract them can come in handy, especially if you like to fully immerse yourself in the wonders of nature.

In the following paragraphs, we will explain what techniques to use to bring them into the garden. Trust me: it’s nothing complicated, on the contrary. Over time, you will be able to achieve fantastic results. It’s just a matter of sticking to best practices without wanting to put that “personal touch” on it that could potentially ruin all the work well done. So without further ado, let’s get started!

How to attract fireflies to the garden

Because fireflies are nocturnal animals that prefer the dark, eliminate artificial lights. Where you have strong critters in your garden, such as those coming out of a street lamp or floodlight, there will be less visitation from nice critters.


further keep the grass tall. In fact, fireflies like to sit on it, both for resting and foraging. If the lawn is too short, they will have less opportunity to find a place to lie down and be admired in all their beauty.

A strong reminder is made by flowers, specifically thosepromoted aroma. Place a wide variety of them in your little green paradise, so that the fireflies have a lot to choose from.

Lots of fireflies

Final tip: forget pesticides. In fact, they risk causing harm to small animals. If you really need to take countermeasures because parasites seem to have targeted you, use natural products without chemical elements.

If necessary, ask your trusted dealer who is competent in the matter for advice. It will be no problem at all for him to inform you about the best products on the market. In fact, it will only make him happy, as you will show him that you believe his opinion.

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