Warning of poisoned bait in parks: two dogs poisoned with rat poison in the province of Varese

Another case of poisoning, this time fortunately not fatal, in green areas: the area in question is the Fontanelle park in Germignaga, a municipality in the province of Varese, where from last Sunday to Monday two dogs were poisoned with rat poison. After the reports were received, Mayor Marco Fazio immediately alerted citizens with an announcement and immediately instructed park maintenance staff and local police to inspect the entire area, remove the poison, and verify that no more were missing.

The checks will also have to detect the presence of any useful elements to identify their origin and today the extermination company will try to find out if the traps present in the area have been vandalized or if it was a deliberate act. The mayor invited the community, as always in these cases, with utmost caution, but also asked for everyone’s cooperationbecause every report can be useful not only to find responsibility, but also to prevent other dogs or animals from risking their lives.

Unfortunately, thousands of dogs, cats and other animals die every year due to poisoned baits and bites that are scattered in public parks, but also in apartment yards and areas where there are cat colonies. Often the motivation for such a gesture it is the desire to vent one’s frustrations or dissatisfaction and animals, as defenseless subjects, become ideal victims also because we imagine that they can easily go unpunished.

Which, in fact, still happens far too often, despite the fact that those who poison animals are committing a crime, and it’s worth remembering. The Penal Code, Article 544-bis, actually punishes the killing of animals “for cruelty or without necessity”, and the distribution of poisoned meat pellets fits perfectly into this case. If the animal is rescued, it still occurs because of the severe suffering caused by the poison crime of torture is punishable by imprisonment for up to 18 months.

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